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Week-7 Homework

What is confusing about platforms?

Platforms are confusing due to all of their unique ways of formatting HTML, CSS, and JS, as well as all of their different syntaxes. They lack a uniform syntax, so learning different platforms essentially requires learning a new programming language, when they all do similar things, making the learning seemingly unnecessary.

How could web components and VanillaJS standards be taught in a way that is more approachable?

It would be much easier to learn web components and VanillaJS through a structured, bit-by-bit learning approach. Each fundamental concept should be broken apart and taught individually, rather than all at once. Also, essential methods and syntaxes should be focused on individually, rather than just trial-and-erroring until something works, and even then not completely understanding WHY it works, just that it works in that instance.

What did you find easiest to work with on 1st stab? (You don't have to say web components, this is an honest take, if it was Vue cool, but justify it)

I found Vue easiest simply because its layout was the most similar to the original layout of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Think back on the tooling. What parts were confusing? What clicked with you immediately?

Almost everything about the tooling was confusing. I pretty much just banged my head against the wall and googled until I found something that seemed like it worked.

What additional readings did you have to do in order to make sense of things.

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