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Jenn Herrarte
Jenn Herrarte

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What is State Management and Why Is It Important?

What is State Management?

"State" is any data that describes the current behavior of an application. This could include values like "a list of objects fetched from the server", "which item is currently selected", "name of the currently logged-in user", and "is this modal open?".It's like a snapshot of what's happening inside the app at any given moment.

"State Management" is the process of dealing with changes and updates to state over time. This means having ways to:

  • store an initial value
  • read the current value
  • update a value

There's also typically a way to be notified when the current value has changed.

Types of State​

When it comes to an app, there are different types of state we can talk about. Here are some of them:

Data: This is about values that handle specific features or how the app works, like a list of todos.
Control/UI state: Here, we're talking about values that deal with how the user interacts with the app, such as which todo item they've picked.
Session state: This is all about values related to the current user, like their username or profile info.
Communication state: These values describe stuff that's going on when the app talks to other servers, like a "loading" indicator.
Location state: This type of state keeps track of where we are in the browser, like the website's domain, the path, query parameters, and the navigation history. It's like knowing where you are on a map.

Another set of categories might be:

  • Local client state: values that are scoped directly to a single component or its descendants
  • Global client state: values that are broadly needed in many places throughout an application

What are the benefits of introducing State Management into your application?

  • Centralized Data Management: State management provides a single, centralized store for all the data and application state, making it easier to access and modify the data from different components.
  • Predictable and Consistent State Updates: State management libraries, like Redux or MobX, enforce strict rules for updating state, ensuring predictability and consistency in state changes throughout the application.
  • Improved Debugging: With centralized state, debugging becomes more manageable as you can easily trace the flow of data and monitor state changes in a controlled environment.
  • Easier Collaboration: State management fosters better collaboration among developers since it establishes clear patterns for data handling and reduces code entanglement.
  • Efficient Performance: By organizing state updates, state management can optimize re-renders and prevent unnecessary rendering of components, leading to better application performance.
  • Simplified UI Logic: State management reduces the need for passing props through multiple components, as components can access the necessary state directly from the store.
  • Support for Time Travel Debugging: Some state management libraries offer time travel debugging, allowing developers to rewind and replay state changes for easier bug identification and resolution.
  • Scalability: As your application grows in complexity, state management ensures maintainability and scalability by handling state in a structured manner.
  • Separation of Concerns: State management helps to separate the business logic and presentation concerns, promoting a more organized and manageable codebase.
  • Consistent State Across Components: State management ensures that all components access the same up-to-date state, avoiding discrepancies and inconsistencies.
  • Cross-platform Compatibility: State management can work with different frameworks and platforms, making it easier to share code and state management logic across multiple projects.

How do popular libraries and frameworks such as React and Vue handle state management?

Because state management is such a vital part of writing applications, most frameworks and libraries have developed many different tools and patterns for working with state.

State-Management in React

Redux is a popular state management library, often used with React, which is known for its simplicity and flexibility. It is based on the Flux architecture, which makes it easy to reason about and debug your state.


  • Simplicity and flexibility
  • Well-documented and supported
  • Large community of users and developers
  • Extensive ecosystem of third-party libraries


  • Can be complex to learn and use
  • Not as performant as some other libraries
  • Can be difficult to debug

If you’re interested in learning more about Redux, I highly recommend watching the video below:

100 Seconds of Redux

State-Management in Vue

The official state management library for Vue has changed from Vuex to Pinia. Pinia is gaining popularity within the Vue community, and quickly becoming known for its simplicity.


  • Cute pineapple logo
  • Has a Simpler API than Vuex
  • Did I mention it has a smiling pineapple logo???
  • Comes with Devtools
  • Has built-in Typescript support


  • It doesn't have large community support and solutions compared to Vuex
  • Pinia doesn't support debugging functions, like time travel and editing

In a nutshell, state management is super important for making scalable apps. It helps keep all the data in check, making sure it's organized and consistent. Plus, it makes it a breeze to handle lots of users and different parts of the app without everything going haywire.

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