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[Comment from a deleted post]
jfemia profile image
Jamie Femia

My problem with versioned url imports in source files is that for all but the smallest projects, you probably have to use those imports in several files.

I'd probably want to abstract that somehow, which then ends up looking a lot like a dependency spec file like package.json...

alekseiberezkin profile image
Aleksei Berezkin • Edited

So you replace package.json with its js (ts) analogue... What's the point? No sarcasm, I just don't get it 😕

jfemia profile image
Jamie Femia

It's clearly possible to do this. Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding as a result of how articles like this are worded when it comes to dependency management. Talking about 'not having a package.json and instead uses URL imports' is kind of a moot point when in many cases you'd use one anyway, just not JSON.

It seems weird to make the point of calling it out as a difference between node and deno, but is it really any different?

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

You can indeed use simply import_map.json.

The point of Deno is further adherance to web standard, even forced sometimes.

Another point is security of Node.js can be better.

hanna profile image

Yes as there isn't any package/meta files in a project using Deno. That's kind of the point I'm trying to make. The directory and file structure is a lot cleaner as the formatter, linter, package manager, etc is all built into the executable.

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

i think as time goes bye, node.js modues will also change. node.js already moves to esm modules.

hanna profile image
Hanna • Edited

They haven't moved to them completely, but they are supported. The main issue with them moving to ES modules is a lot of people still use require and other CommonJS features.

hanna profile image

some people have a deps.ts file exporting everything:

export {} from "";
export {} from "";
export {} from "";
export {} from "";
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patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

You can also

export * from "xxx";

Also, this is possible

export * as xxx from "xxx";