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Joseph D. Marhee
Joseph D. Marhee

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Working with Maps in Terraform Templates as Json

In Terraform, the template_file data source is the preferred method of, for example, injecting variable data into a templated-file like a script or configuration file. In my case, I make heavy use of template_file as part of the spin-up routine for servers on Equinix Metal which uses cloud-init to run a script on first boot to configure the host.

For the sake of ease and user-customizability, I use a map resource in Terraform to store all of the URLs for Kubernetes manifests that I'd like applied to a Kubernetes cluster once Terraform creates the host, and cloud-init has bootstrapped the cluster, which looks like this:

variable "workloads" {
  type = map

  default = {
    ceph_common = ""
    ceph_operator = ""
    ceph_cluster_minimal = ""
    ceph_cluster =  ""
    open_ebs_operator = ""
    tigera_operator = ""
    calico = ""
    flannel = ""
    metallb_namespace = ""
    metallb_release = ""
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The benefit to this approach, rather than hardcoding these values in a provisioner in Terraform (if you're not using the Kubernetes provider, which I am not), or in something like a cloud-init script (i.e. kubectl apply -f {whatever above url}), is that it doesn't require modifying the Terraform module itself to change a manifest version, or to add or remove workloads from the above-- these can be changed or overridden (or omitted entirely) from the terraform.tfvars file on the users machine. This means that, if a workload changes, the resource that it was embedded within can be updated, rather than recycled (destroyed and re-applied), depending on how you wind up using that variable, but this is not the case for this example, because this example is derived from a cluster provisioner rather than a production workload Terraform plan.

Typically, when you want to a consume a variable, in this case workloads, if it were of type string, you can plug this into a template like so:

data "template_file" "controller" {
  template = file("${path.module}/controller.tpl")

  vars = {
    workloads = var.workloads
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However, because workloads is of type map, it must be converted using jsonencode:

  vars = {
    workloads = jsonencode(var.workloads)
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and then you can access it in your template file (in the above example, that was controller.tpl:


echo ${workloads}
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One issue, I encountered, however, is that this creates an object like:

key1:value key2:value key3:value
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and since I really wanted a JSON object I could work with and validate, I add this additional step to convert it, first, into a table:

echo ${workloads} | sed 's| |\n|'g | awk '{sub(/:/," ")}1' | tee /root/
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so the data now looks like:

key1 value
key2 value
key3 value
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which normally would be easy enough to put into an associative array, but I liked the idea of using Python to do some additional validation at some point in the future, so I also have it create a copy of that table as a json file:

echo ${workloads} | sed 's| |\n|'g | awk '{sub(/:/," ")}1' | tee /root/ && \
cat << EOF >
import json

filename = "/root/"

with open(filename) as f:
    content = f.readlines()

workloads = {}

for w in content:
    key = w.split(" ")[0]
    value = w.split(" ")[1]
    workloads[key] = value.replace("\n","")

f = open("/root/workloads.json", "a")

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since, potentially, I could have the script expanded to interact with the Kubernetes API to apply the workloads directly, or whatever other automation I might want to add in the future, but the end result here is that I have a file that I can parse:

{"key1": "value", "key2": "value", "key3":"value"}
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in the rest of the script using the Map above from Terraform:

cat workloads.json | jq .key1
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This might seem like overkill, and for our purposes here, it absolutely is (as I noted, like two additional lines of bash could've created an associative array from this data and still be iterable in this way), but hopefully it becomes a bit clearer that there are many approaches to handling data managed by Terraform into resources that it does not have visibility into, in this case, once a resource like a server:

data "template_file" "controller" {
  template = file("${path.module}/controller.tpl")

  vars = {
    workloads = jsonencode(var.workloads)

resource "metal_device" "web1" {
  project_id       = var.project_id
  hostname         = "web1"
  plan             = "c3.medium.x86"
  facilities       = ["ny5"]
  operating_system = "ubuntu_20_04"
  billing_cycle    = "hourly"
  user_data        = data.template_file.controller.rendered
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is provisioned, to handle the variable data any way you'd like (CSVs, maybe the table as-is was fine for you, etc.), which in my case was more JSON from an object that met that schema.

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