DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel

you do you your best to write down and publish some tutorials and they getting rejected by community, getting at most six to five views, it much more frustrating

This is something that isn't widely known, but this is very normal when you start out blogging. has an algorithm that will bubble up articles that you write to your followers. This will gain you more views. more views = more likes. etc.

This is why you'll see some top authors on the site over and over. They have the most followers, they get seen, they get more followers, cycle continues.

So your posts aren't being rejected. This is just what starting feels like.

The keys are to post good quality content that will make people follow you. Also post regularly. The more posts, the more people see your name, the more followers.

It is only after you have a large following base that you will be able to consistently see many likes on your posts.

This will take time. I would expect this process to take 6-12 months. So be in it for the long haul.
