Are you ready to enhance your knowledge of software testing terminology?
Software testing is a constantly evolving market. According to a recent report by Statista, the global software testing market is expected to reach $60.9 billion by 2026.
In today's world, software testing is an integral part of software development. It is crucial to have a thorough understanding of key terms involved in the process.
Knowing software testing terminology can help you communicate more effectively with your team members, understand testing reports, and identify & fix issues more efficiently. It’s also recommended to learn about what features you should be familiar with in an automated testing tool.
Let us walk you through the definitions of common terms in software testing to help you improve your testing skills.
Acceptance Testing: Acceptance Testing is conducted to determine whether a software application meets the customer's requirements and can be accepted for release.
An example would be the final testing conducted by a client before accepting delivery of a software product.
Ad-hoc Testing: A type of as-needed testing conducted without a formal test plan. Testers use their experience and creativity to explore the software and identify potential defects as they arise. An example would be a tester exploring a software application without a specific test script.
Alpha Testing: A type of testing conducted by users or testers within an organization. This is typically done before a product is released to the public. An example would be a software application being tested by a small group of employees within a company.
Automated Testing: The use of software tools to automate the execution of test cases. An example would be a script that automates the testing of a login feature on a web application like Opkey.
Beta Testing: A type of testing conducted by users or testers outside of the development organization. This is typically performed before a product is released to the public. An example would be a software application being tested by a group of beta testers who have signed up to participate in a pre-release program.
Black-Box Testing: A type of testing in which the tester has no knowledge of the internal workings of the software being tested. Focuses on verifying the external behavior of the application. An example would be a tester conducting user acceptance testing on a web application without knowledge of the underlying code.
Boundary Value Analysis: A testing technique that involves testing the extreme values of inputs to ensure that the software handles them correctly. An example would be testing a password field with minimum and maximum lengths to ensure that it works correctly for both.
Bug: An issue or problem identified during testing that needs to be addressed before the software can be released. An example would be a login page that fails to validate user credentials.
Boundary Value Analysis: A testing technique that involves testing the software application with input values that are at the lower and upper boundaries of their allowable range. An example would be testing a web application's input field for the minimum and maximum allowed values.
Compatibility Testing: A type of testing conducted to ensure that the software works correctly on different hardware, software, and network configurations. An example would be testing a web application on different web browsers and operating systems.
Component Testing: A type of testing that focuses on testing individual modules or components of the software application. An example would be testing a single function of a software application in isolation.
Configuration Testing: A type of testing that involves testing different configurations of hardware, software, and network settings to identify compatibility issues. An example would be testing a web application on different versions of a web server.
Code Coverage: A metric that measures the amount of source code that is covered by a set of test cases. An example would be measuring the code coverage of a unit testing suite to ensure that all code paths are tested.
Defect Density: A metric that measures the number of defects per unit of code or testing effort. An example would be calculating the defect density of a software application after a round of testing.
Defect: A flaw or problem identified during testing that needs to be addressed before the software can be released. An example would be a feature of a software application that does not function as intended.
Dynamic Testing: A type of testing that involves running the software application and verifying its behavior. An example would be testing a web application by interacting with it in a browser.
End-to-End Testing: A type of testing that involves testing the entire software application, including all components and modules, to verify that it works correctly as a whole. An example would be testing a web application from the user interface to the database.
Exploratory Testing: A type of testing that involves exploring the software application. It occurs without a formal test plan. An example would be a tester exploring a web application and clicking on different links to see if any errors occur.
Functional Testing: Functional testing focuses on verifying if a software application works correctly in terms of its functionality. An example would be testing a login feature of a web application to ensure that it correctly authenticates users.
Gray-Box Testing: A type of testing that combines aspects of both black-box and white-box testing. Tester with limited knowledge of the internal workings of the software application performs this. An example would be a tester with access to some code and architecture information testing a web application.
Heuristic Evaluation: A type of testing that involves evaluating the software application's user interface against a set of predefined usability heuristics or guidelines. An example would be evaluating a web application's user interface against Jakob Nielsen's usability heuristics.
Integration Environment: An environment that is used for integrating different components or modules of the software application. An example would be an environment where the frontend and backend components of a web application are integrated and tested together.
Integration Testing: A type of testing that focuses on testing the interfaces between different components or modules of the software application. An example would be testing how the login feature of a web application interacts with the database.
JUnit: A popular unit testing framework for the Java programming language.
Keyword-Driven Testing: A testing approach where test cases are defined using keywords and test data. It allows for more efficient and modular test case creation. An example would be using a keyword-driven testing framework like Robot Framework.
LoadRunner: A performance testing tool from Micro Focus that allows for load testing of software applications.
Load Testing: This involves testing the software application under high load conditions to identify its behavior and performance. An example would be testing a web application under high user traffic to see if it can handle the load.
Negative Testing: A type of testing that involves intentionally testing the software application with invalid or unexpected inputs to ensure it handles them correctly. An example would be entering invalid characters in a password field to ensure the software rejects them.
Performance Testing: A type of testing that focuses on testing the speed, responsiveness, and scalability of the software application. An example would be testing the response time of a web application under different load conditions.
Quality Assurance: The process of ensuring that the software application meets the required quality standards and customer expectations. An example would be ensuring that a software product meets the customer's requirements and is free from defects.
Regression Testing: A type of testing that involves re-testing the software application after changes have been made to ensure that no new defects have been introduced. An example would be re-testing a web application after a bug has been fixed to ensure that it works correctly.
Smoke Testing: A type of testing that involves testing the most critical functionalities of the software application to ensure that it is stable enough for further testing. An example would be testing the login and homepage functionalities of a web application to ensure that the application is functional and stable.
Test Scenario: A high-level description of a series of test cases that are designed to test a specific feature or functionality of the software application.
Test Script: A set of instructions or code used to automate the execution of a test case or test scenario.
Test Result: The outcome of a test case or test scenario, which indicates whether the software application passed or failed the test.
Test Environment: The hardware, software, and network configurations used to conduct software testing.
Test Data: The input values and conditions used to test the software application.
Test Automation: The use of software tools and scripts to automate the execution of test cases and scenarios.
Test Coverage: The extent to which the software application has been tested, measured in terms of the percentage of code or functionality covered by test cases.
Test Management: The process of planning, executing, and monitoring software testing activities. It is to ensure that the project meets its quality goals.
Traceability: The ability to trace test cases and scenarios back to the requirements and specifications that they were designed to test.
Test Case: A document or set of instructions that outlines the steps to be taken to test a specific feature or functionality of the software application. An example would be a set of instructions for testing the login feature of a web application.
Test Plan: A document that outlines the scope, objectives, and approach to be taken for testing the software application. An example would be a document outlining the approach to be taken for testing a software product, including the types of testing to be conducted and the resources required.
Test Suite: A collection of test cases that are executed together as a group. An example would be a set of test cases for testing a web application's user interface.
Usability Testing: A type of testing that focuses on testing the user experience and ease of use of the software application. An example would be testing the ease of navigation and intuitiveness of a web application's user interface.
Validation Testing: A type of testing that focuses on verifying that the software application meets the customer's requirements and expectations. An example would be testing a web application to ensure that it meets the client's requirements for user authentication and authorization.
Verification Testing: A type of testing that focuses on verifying that the software application meets its technical specifications and requirements. An example would be testing a software application to ensure that it adheres to specific coding standards and security requirements.
Waterfall Model: A software development methodology where the project progresses in a linear, sequential manner through a series of distinct phases. These depend on requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The modern advancement beyond Waterfall is known as DevOps.
XUnit: A family of unit testing frameworks that includes JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, and PHPUnit for PHP.
Yield Testing: A type of testing that involves testing the software application's ability to handle large volumes of data or requests. An example would be testing a web application's database to ensure that it can handle large amounts of data without crashing or slowing down.
Zero Defects: A quality management approach that aims to achieve a level of quality. There are no defects in the software application. An example would be adopting a zero defects approach for software testing, where every defect is tracked and resolved before release.
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