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0. Twitter Algorithms
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm is a set of services and jobs that are responsible for serving feeds of Tweets and other content across all Twitter product surfaces (e.g. For You Timeline, Search, Explore, Notifications). For an introduction to how the algorithm works, please refer to our engineering blog.
Product surfaces at Twitter are built on a shared set of data, models, and software frameworks. The shared components included in this repository are listed below:
Type | Component | Description |
Data | tweetypie | Core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data. |
unified-user-actions | Real-time stream of user actions on Twitter. | |
user-signal-service | Centralized platform to retrieve explicit (e.g. likes, replies) and implicit (e.g. profile visits, tweet clicks) user signals. | |
Model | SimClusters | Community detection and sparse embeddings into those communities. |
TwHIN | Dense knowledge graph embeddings for Users and Tweets. | |
trust-and-safety-models | Models for detecting NSFW or abusive content. | |
real-graph | Model |
1. Free Programming books
A huge list of freely available programming books
📚 Freely available programming books
List of Free Learning Resources In Many Languages
Search the list at .
This page is available as an easy-to-read website. Access it by clicking on .
This list was originally a clone of StackOverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker.
The list was moved to GitHub by Victor Felder for collaborative updating and maintenance. It has grown to become one of GitHub's most popular repositories.
The Free Ebook Foundation now administers the repo, a not-for-profit organization devoted to promoting the creation, distribution, archiving, and sustainability of free ebooks. Donations to the Free Ebook Foundation are tax-deductible in the US.
How To Contribute
Please read CONTRIBUTING. If you're new to GitHub, welcome! Remember to abide by our adapted from Code of Conduct too (translations also available).
Click on these badges to see how you might…
2. Coding Interview University
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Coding Interview University
I originally created this as a short to-do list of study topics for becoming a software engineer but it grew to the large list you see today. After going through this study plan, I got hired as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon You probably won't have to study as much as I did. Anyway, everything you need is here.
I studied about 8-12 hours a day, for several months. This is my story: Why I studied full-time for 8 months for a Google interview
Please Note: You won't need to study as much as I did. I wasted a lot of time on things I didn't need to know. More info about that is below. I'll help you get there without wasting your precious time.
The items listed here will prepare you well for a technical interview at just about any software company including the…
3. Awesome
Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
Menu Bar Spacing
Customize the gap between menu bar items on macOS
My open source work is supported by the community
Special thanks to:Add Single Sign-On (and more) in minutes instead of months.
What is an awesome list? Contribution guide Creating a list Twitter
Just type
to go here. Check out my apps and follow me on Twitter
4. Developer Roadmap
Up to Date roadmap to becoming a developer.
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Community driven roadmaps, articles and resources for developers
Roadmaps are now interactive, you can click the nodes to read more about the topics.
Here is the list of available roadmaps with more being actively worked upon.
Have a look at the get started page that might help you pick up a path.
- Frontend Roadmap / Frontend Beginner Roadmap
- Backend Roadmap / Backend Beginner Roadmap
- DevOps Roadmap / DevOps Beginner Roadmap
- Full Stack Roadmap
- Git and GitHub
- API Design Roadmap
- Computer Science Roadmap
- Data Structures and Algorithms Roadmap
- AI and Data Scientist Roadmap
- AWS Roadmap
- Linux Roadmap
- Terraform Roadmap
- Data Analyst Roadmap
- MLOps Roadmap
- Product Manager Roadmap
- QA Roadmap
- Python Roadmap
- Software Architect Roadmap
- Game Developer Roadmap / Server Side Game Developer
- Software Design and Architecture Roadmap
- JavaScript Roadmap
- TypeScript Roadmap
- C++ Roadmap
- React Roadmap
- React Native Roadmap
- Vue Roadmap
- Angular Roadmap
- …
5. Javascript Algorithms
Algorithms and data structures implemented in javascript with explanations and links.
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Help Ukraine via
- More info on and MFA of Ukraine
This repository contains JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures.
Each algorithm and data structure has its own separate README with related explanations and links for further reading (including ones to YouTube videos).
Read this in other languages: 简体中文 繁體中文, 한국어, 日本語, Polski, Français, Español, Português, Русский, Türkçe, Italiana, Bahasa Indonesia, Українська, Arabic, Tiếng Việt, Deutsch, Uzbek
☝ Note that this project is meant to be used for learning and researching purposes only, and it is not meant to be used for production.
Data Structures
6. Node Best Practices
The Node JS best Practices List
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
Node.js Best Practices
Follow us on Twitter! @nodepractices
Read in a different language: CN,
EU (
KR and
TR in progress! )
🎊 2024 edition is here!
🛰 Modernized to 2024: Tons of text edits, new recommended libraries, and some new best practices
✨ Easily focus on new content: Already visited before? Search for
tags for new content only -
🔖 Curious to see examples? We have a starter: Visit Practica.js, our application example and boilerplate (beta) to see some practices in action
Welcome! 3 Things You Ought To Know First
1. You are reading dozens of the best Node.js articles - this repository is a summary and curation of the top-ranked content on Node.js best practices, as well as content written here by collaborators
2. It is the…
7. Tech Interview Handbook
Curated coding interview preparation materials for software engineers.
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
Tech Interview Handbook

What is this?
Not everyone has the time to do a few hundred LeetCode questions. Here are free and curated technical interview preparation materials for busy engineers, brought to you by me, the author of Blind 75. Over 500,000 people have benefitted from this handbook!
Besides the usual algorithm questions, other awesome stuff includes:
- Best practice questions for coding interviews
- Grind 75 - the next evolution of Blind 75, bigger and better
- How to prepare for coding interviews
- Coding interview best practices - Straight-to-the-point Do's and Don'ts
- Algorithm cheatsheets and tips categorized by topic
- Step-by-step Software Engineer resume guide to prepare a FAANG-ready resume
- Behavioral questions asked by the top tech companies
- Front end interview preparation
Help from you in contributing content would be very much appreciated!
Why would you read
8. Project Based Learning
A curated list of project based tutorials.
Curated list of project-based tutorials
Project Based Learning
A list of programming tutorials in which aspiring software developers learn how to build an application from scratch. These tutorials are divided into different primary programming languages. Tutorials may involve multiple technologies and languages.
To get started, simply fork this repo. Please refer to for contribution guidelines.
Table of Contents:
- C#
- C/C++
- Clojure
- Dart
- Elixir
- Erlang
- F#
- Go
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Kotlin
- Lua
- OCaml
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Swift
- Additional resources
- Build an Interpreter (Chapter 14 on is written in C)
- Memory Allocators 101 - Write a simple memory allocator
- Write a Shell in C
- Write a FUSE Filesystem
- Build Your Own Text Editor
- Build Your Own Lisp
- How to Program an NES Game in C
- Write an OS from scratch
- How to create an OS from scratch
- Building a CHIP-8 Emulator
- Beginning Game Programming with C++ and SDL
- Implementing a Key-Value…
9. 30 Seconds of code
Short javascript code snippets for all your development needs
Short code snippets for all your development needs
30 seconds of code
Short code snippets for all your development needs
- Visit the website to view the snippet collection.
- Search for snippets and collections that suit your needs, using the name, tags, language or description.
- Browse all snippets or individual snippet collections for each topic.
- Click on each snippet card to view the whole snippet, including code, explanation and examples.
- You can copy code blocks on any snippet card, using the copy button at the top right.
- If you like the project, give it a star. It means a lot.
Want to contribute?
- Community contributions are not accepted at this time. Check back later for updates.
- This repository is maintained by Angelos Chalaris.
- All code snippets are licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 License, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
- Any other material (including text content, images, the website source code, logos, names and trademarks) are not to be used without…
10. Free for dev
A list of Saas, Paas and Laas offerings that have free tiers.
A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
Developers and Open Source authors now have many services offering free tiers, but finding them all takes time to make informed decisions.
This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings with free developer tiers.
The scope of this particular list is limited to things that infrastructure developers (System Administrator, DevOps Practitioners, etc.) are likely to find useful. We love all the free services out there, but it would be good to keep it on topic. It's a grey line sometimes, so this is opinionated; please don't feel offended if I don't accept your contribution.
This list results from Pull Requests, reviews, ideas, and work done by 1600+ people. You can also help by sending Pull Requests to add more services or remove ones whose offerings have changed or been retired.
NOTE: This list is only for as-a-Service offerings, not for self-hosted software. To…
11. Javascript Questions
A long list of advance Javascript questions and their explanations.
A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
This repo was created in 2019 and the questions provided here are therefore based on the JavaScript syntax and behavior at that time. Since JavaScript is a constantly evolving language, there are newer language features that are not covered by the questions here.
From basic to advanced: test how well you know JavaScript, refresh your knowledge a bit or prepare for your coding interview! 💪 🚀 I update this repo regularly with new questions. I added the answers in the **collapsed sections** below the questions, simply click on them to expand it. It's just for fun, good luck! ❤️
Feel free to reach out to me! 😊
Instagram || Twitter || LinkedIn || Blog
Feel free to use them in a project! 😃 I would really appreciate a reference to this repo, I create the questions and explanations (yes I'm sad lol) and the community helps me |
12. Design resources for developers
A list of resources from stock photos web templates to frameworks, libraries and tools.
Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
Please read contributing guidelines
before submitting new resources.
Table of Contents
- UI Graphics
- Fonts
- Colors
- Icons
- Logos
- Favicons
- Icon Fonts
- Stock Photos
- Stock Videos
- Stock Music & Sound Effects
- Vectors & Clip Art
- Product & Image Mockups
- HTML & CSS Templates
- CSS Frameworks
- CSS Methodologies
- CSS Animations
- Javascript Animation Libraries
- Javascript Chart Libraries
- UI Components & Kits
- React UI Libraries
- Vue UI Libraries
- Angular UI Libraries
- Svelte UI Libraries
- React Native UI Libraries
- Design Systems & Style Guides
- Online Design Tools
- Downloadable Design Software
- Design Inspiration
- Image Compression
- Chrome Extensions
- Firefox Extensions
- AI Graphic Design Tools
- Others
UI Graphics
Websites and resources with modern UI components in different formats such as PSD, Sketch, Figma, etc. They are great for ideas for web components/UI
Website | Description |
SVG sine waves | Export perfect sine waves as SVG for your front-end projects |
UI Design Daily | Awesome UI Components of all types |
100 Daily UI |
13. App Ideas
A collection of application ideas that can be used to improve your coding skills.
A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
👇 Practice Daily on 👇
📒 App Ideas Collection
Have you ever wanted to build something but you had no idea what to do? Just as authors sometimes have "writers block" it's also true for developers. This list is intended to solve this issue once and for all! 👍
These applications are:
- great for improving your coding skills 💪;
- great for experimenting with new technologies 🆕;
- great for adding to your portfolio to impress your next employer/client 📁;
- great for using as examples in tutorials (articles or videos) 📃;
- easy to complete and also easily extendable with new features 👌;
This is not just a simple list of projects, but a collection that describes each project in enough detail so that you can develop it from the ground up!
Each project has the following features:
- A clear and descriptive objective;
- A list of User Stories which should be…
14. Build your own X
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Build your own <insert-technology-here>
This repository is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch.
What I cannot create, I do not understand — Richard Feynman.
It's a great way to learn.
- 3D Renderer
- Augmented Reality
- BitTorrent Client
- Blockchain / Cryptocurrency
- Bot
- Command-Line Tool
- Database
- Docker
- Emulator / Virtual Machine
- Front-end Framework / Library
- Game
- Git
- Network Stack
- Neural Network
- Operating System
- Physics Engine
- Programming Language
- Regex Engine
- Search Engine
- Shell
- Template Engine
- Text Editor
- Visual Recognition System
- Voxel Engine
- Web Browser
- Web Server
- Uncategorized
Build your own 3D Renderer
- C++: Introduction to Ray Tracing: a Simple Method for Creating 3D Images
- C++: How OpenGL works: software rendering in 500 lines of code
- C++: Raycasting engine of Wolfenstein 3D
- C++: Physically Based Rendering:From Theory To Implementation
- C++: Ray Tracing in One Weekend
- C++: Rasterization: a Practical Implementation
- C#…
Check our latest post
15. Realworld
See how the exact same Medium clone is built using different frontends and backends.
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more
See how the exact same clone (called Conduit) is built using different frontends and backends. Yes, you can mix and match them, because they all adhere to the same API spec 😮😎
While most "todo" demos provide an excellent cursory glance at a framework's capabilities, they typically don't convey the knowledge & perspective required to actually build real applications with it.
RealWorld solves this by allowing you to choose any frontend (React, Angular, & more) and any backend (Node, Django, & more) and see how they power a real-world, beautifully designed full-stack app called Conduit.
Read the full blog post announcing RealWorld on Medium.
Join us on GitHub Discussions! 🎉
Over 100 implementations have been created using various languages, libraries, and frameworks.
Explore them on CodebaseShow.
Create a new implementation
Create a new implementation >>>
Or you can view upcoming implementations (WIPs).
16. Public Apis
A collective list of free API's for use in software and web development.
A collective list of free APIs
Try Public APIs for free
The Public APIs repository is manually curated by community members like you and folks working at APILayer. It includes an extensive list of public APIs from many domains that you can use for your own products. Consider it a treasure trove of APIs well-managed by the community over the years.
APILayer is the fastest way to integrate APIs into any product. There are a lot of APIs available at APILayer Marketplace.
API | Description | Call this API |
IP Stack | Locate and Identify Website Visitors by IP Address | |
Marketstack | Free, easy-to-use REST API interface delivering worldwide stock market data in JSON format | |
Weatherstack | Retrieve instant, accurate weather information for any location in the world in lightweight JSON format | |
Numverify | Global Phone Number Validation & Lookup JSON API | |
Fixer | Fixer is a simple and lightweight API for current and historical foreign exchange (forex) rates. |
17. System design primer
Learn how to design large scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
English ∙ 日本語 ∙ 简体中文 ∙ 繁體中文 | العَرَبِيَّة ∙ বাংলা ∙ Português do Brasil ∙ Deutsch ∙ ελληνικά ∙ עברית ∙ Italiano ∙ 한국어 ∙ فارسی ∙ Polski ∙ русский язык ∙ Español ∙ ภาษาไทย ∙ Türkçe ∙ tiếng Việt ∙ Français | Add Translation
Help translate this guide!
The System Design Primer
Learn how to design large-scale systems.
Prep for the system design interview.
Learn how to design large-scale systems
Learning how to design scalable systems will help you become a better engineer.
System design is a broad topic. There is a vast amount of resources scattered throughout the web on system design principles.
This repo is an organized collection of resources to help you learn how to build systems at scale.
Learn from the open source community
This is a continually updated, open source project.
Contributions are welcome!
Prep for the system design interview
In addition…
18. The art of command line
Master the command line, all in one page.
Master the command line, in one page
🌍 Čeština ∙ Deutsch ∙ Ελληνικά ∙ English ∙ Español ∙ Français ∙ Indonesia ∙ Italiano ∙ 日本語 ∙ 한국어 ∙ polski ∙ Português ∙ Română ∙ Русский ∙ Slovenščina ∙ Українська ∙ 简体中文 ∙ 繁體中文
The Art of Command Line
Note: I'm planning to revise this and looking for a new co-author to help with expanding this into a more comprehensive guide. While it's very popular, it could be broader and a bit deeper. If you like to write and are close to being an expert on this material and willing to consider helping, please drop me a note at josh (0x40) –jlevy, Holloway. Thank you!
- Meta
- Basics
- Everyday use
- Processing files and data
- System debugging
- One-liners
- Obscure but useful
- macOS only
- Windows only
- More resources
- Disclaimer
Fluency on the command line is a skill often neglected or considered arcane, but it improves your flexibility…
19. Tensorflow
An open Source Machine Learning Framework for everyone
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools libraries, and community resources that lets researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and developers easily build and deploy ML-powered applications.
TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working within the Machine Intelligence team at Google Brain to conduct research in machine learning and neural networks. However, the framework is versatile enough to be used in other areas as well.
TensorFlow provides stable Python and C++ APIs, as well as a non-guaranteed backward compatible API for other languages.
Keep up-to-date with release announcements and security updates by subscribing to See all the mailing lists.
See the TensorFlow install guide for the pip package, to enable GPU support, use a Docker container, and build from source.
To install the current release…
20. the book of secret knowledge
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
"Knowledge is powerful, be careful how you use it!"
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools, and more.
📔 What is it?
This repository is a collection of various materials and tools that I use every day in my work. It contains a lot of useful information gathered in one piece. It is an invaluable source of knowledge for me that I often look back on.
🚻 For whom?
For everyone, really. Here everyone can find their favourite tastes. But to be perfectly honest, it is aimed towards System and Network administrators, DevOps, Pentesters, and Security Researchers.
ℹ️ Contributing
If you find something which doesn't make sense, or something doesn't seem right, please make a pull request and please add valid and well-reasoned explanations about your changes or comments.
A few simple rules for this project:
- inviting and…
Check awesome list of github repo's on github. Maybe they can help you.
- A curated list of awesome Discord communities for programmers
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Top comments (20)
Great list. I would add for the awesome list to search github for the term awesome ( or viewing the awesome tag ( Many great lists are not in that collection.
Thank you for your suggestion. 👍👍
Your suggestion has been added.
very useful 🙌🙌 thanks for sharing this!!
Thank you ❤❤
Was confused when I got to the last repo but of course the list starts at 0 😂
We are die hard fan of array 😁😁
Great thanks for sharing👍
Thank you 🧡💥
Amazing list, I'll certainly bookmark this one.
I am glad you find it useful 😊
thank you so much
thank you!this is a best article!
I am glad you find it useful 😊
Thank you, loved the free APIs list
I am glad you find it useful 😊
12's link isn't the right one.
Thank you for pointing out my mistake
Post Updated
Perfect. Sharing A to Z list of all FREE courses. Hope it helps: