Hi all,
This is my first post in dev.to :)
I've been using GitHub Actions extensively at work and on personal projects for running test suites, but also for previewing and deploying static sites.
I found configuring S3 and CloudFront each time a real pain; there are so many options to choose from and so many settings that need to be correct in order to use S3 to host a static site, it just felt slow. It's also a pain to get "pretty" folder URLs working e.g. /my-page/
to load /my-page/index.html
I also looked at other options (e.g. Netlify), but these seemed overkill for what I wanted (an instant, purely static deployment).
So this is what I've come up with.... https://www.gostaticapp.com/ - Instant URLs for Static Sites
This allows you to deploy from a GitHub action, or directly via cURL.
Your output files are uploaded and a URL is provided in seconds.
If you have triggered the GitHub action to run on a Pull Request, it will add a comment to the PR with the URL.
Future updates
- Right now URLs are ephemeral and last for 3 days before being deleted
- I intend to support permanent URLs and custom domains in the near future
Article - Deploying Jigsaw CMS
GitHub action
I'm keen to hear any feedback...!
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