DEV Community

Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones

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Hashes and Symbols in Ruby

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Hashes with .each:
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If something doesn't exist in value, you will receive (nil).
If you don't want that you can create a default value. Using you can specify what it should be.
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There can only be one copy of a symbol at a time
Symbols make good hash keys for a few reasons:

-They’re immutable, meaning they can’t be changed once they’re created;
-Only one copy of any symbol exists at a given time, so they save memory;
-Symbol-as-keys are faster than strings-as-keys
because of the above two reasons.

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Converting Between Symbols and Strings
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You can use (.intern) to switch a string into a symbol
(=>) hash rocket style
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Alternate way than hash rocket for symbols
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When you want to filter a hash for values that meet a certain criteria
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