DEV Community

Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones

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Loops & Iterators in Ruby

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More operators: +=, -=, *=, /=

For: when you don't know how many times you need to loop
For the () puts ()
ex: for num in 1...10 puts num end
(...)= exclude the last digit
(..)= include the last digit

Loop: create basic but infinite loop.
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Next: Can be used to skip over certain steps in the loop.
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Array: my-array can store numbers in a variable
my_array = [1,2,3,etc]

.each: can apply an expression to each element of an object. You wrap in (| |)
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.times: It performs a task on an item a specified number of times.
ex: 10.times { print "Chunky bacon!" }

until: Until a certain criteria is met

Using Loop iterator to print out the Ruby string 30 times:
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using .times iterator to print Ruby 30 times:
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