DEV Community

Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones

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Learning Box Model

All of this is done in style.css
Height and Width:

  • p { height: 80px; width: 240px; }


  • can be set with a specific width, style, and color
  • p {border: 3px solid coral;}
  • Modify corners of an element box with the Border-Radius property.


  • Between the contents and the border
  • p.content-header {border: 3px solid coral; padding: 10px;}
  • padding-top (bottom, left, right)
  • padding shorthand lets you modify all in a single line
  • Padding 4 values: 6px 11px 4px 9x; clockwise rotation
  • padding 3 values: top, left & right, bottom
  • padding 2 values: top & bottom, left & right


  • space directly outside box.
  • p { border: 1px solid aquamarine; margin: 20px;} -Margin 4 values: clockwise -Margin 3 values: top, L & R, bottom -Margin 2 values: top & bottom, L & R
  • auto value instructs the browser to adjust left and right margins until the element is centered with itself.


  • controls what happens to content that spills outside the box.
  • Hidden: overflow will be hidden from view
  • scroll: scrollbar would be added to view
  • visible: displayed outside of containing element


  • elements can be hidden from view with this property
  • hidden: hides an element
  • visible: displays an element
  • collapse: collapses an element

The box model:
Image description

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