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Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones

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Learning CSS Part 2

  • If you want to change a section like a header, you must include the tag in front the bracket. Ex= h1{color:ex}

  • Using * tag selects all and makes it universal

  • To select an HTML element by its class using CSS, a period (.) must be prepended to the class’s name. In the example above, the class is brand, so the CSS selector for it is .brand.

  • If there are multiple classes, you can create different rule sets or include both using space in html.

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The ID attribute has only one value compared to the class. To select an ID , you must use a hashtag #

The attribute selector targets elements that already contain attributes. You use [ ] to select them.
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  • Psuedo class: ex focus, visited, disabled, active that creates user interaction.

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  • different ways of selecting an element. By type, class and ID.

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  • Chaining combines multiple sectors.
  • ex: h1.special the (.) connects two different elements.
  • A descendant combinator selects all elements within a list.

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You can add more styles to multiple selectors. Separate the CSS selectors with a comma.

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