DEV Community

Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones

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Learning Flexbox

Flexbox layout

  • simplifies positioning elements
  • Flex containers and flex items
  • designate an element as a flex container by setting its (display) property to flex or inline-flex.
  • several properties that specify how it behaves
  • justify-content, align-items, flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis, flex, flex-wrap, align-content, flex-direction, flex-flow.

.container{ display:flex; }

-justify-content: position items from left to right

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align-items: makes it possible to space flex items vertically

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flex-grow: allows you to specify if items should grow to fill a container and which should item grows proportionally more/less than others

flex-shrink: which elements will shrink and in what proportions.

flex-basis: allows you to specify width before it shrinks or stretches. ( lock width )

flex: lets you declare flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis in one line

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flex-wrap: Allow content to move to the next link when necessary.
Image description

align-content: allows you to move multiple rows of content
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allows you to switch between main axes and cross axis. So they can be ordered vertically or horizontally.
-The flex-direction property can accept four values:

  • row — elements will be positioned from left to right across the parent element starting from the top left corner (default).
  • row-reverse — elements will be positioned from right to left across the parent element starting from the top right corner.
  • column — elements will be positioned from top to bottom of the parent element starting from the top left corner.
  • column-reverse — elements will be positioned from the bottom to the top of the parent element starting from the bottom left corner.

flex-flow: used to declare both the flex-wrap and flex-direction properties in one line.

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