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Joseph Adediji
Joseph Adediji

Posted on • Originally published at Medium on


How to deploy Angular Apps to GitHub Pages (gh-pages)

Using 2 different methods with angular-cli-ghpages

Deploying an Angular App to Github pages can be a little trickish because angular applications are not like any other web apps built with HTML, CSS and JS which you can build on your local computer and simply push to Github pages.

When you build an Angular project using the angular CLI, you need to take some extra steps to get your application ready for deployment.

I will be sharing with you two methods for deploying an Angular App to gh-pages (Github Pages).

P.S.  — Please note that after deploying your angular app to github pages, it may take about 10–30 secs for it to actually show up, sometimes Github Pages doesn’t load up your site instantly, so try reloading the page after few seconds of deploying your angular website to Github pages to check if it works.

Method 1

Below is the first method for deploying an Angular App to Github pages.

Step 1

Create your Github Repository:

The first thing to do if you want to deploy your Angular App on Github pages is to create a repo for your project.

After creating the repo, commit all your changes and push your project files to the repository you have created.

Step 2

Install Angular CLI gh-pages:

There is a tool at your disposal that you can use to easily deploy your angular app to gh-pages, the angular-cli-pages tool.

The angular-cli-pages tool is used as a command on the angular CLI for the purpose of deployment. To install it, let us run this command on our terminal:

$ npm i angular-cli-ghpages — save-dev

Note: This command will install angular-cli-ghpages globally in your operating system. You don’t have to install it again in case you need to use it in the future.

Step 3

Run Build :

Before you can deploy an Angular App, you need to build your angular app for use in production.

This simply means configuring your app to be useable on a remote server like gh-pages.

Usually, while creating your App, you had it running on your local server, but unfortunately the configuration for the local server will not serve the application when it is deployed on the gh-pages remote server, which is why you need to build your app.

Run this command on your terminal to build the application:

$ ng build --prod --base-href ""
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Note: Make sure you put in your Github username in “GithubUserName” and the repository name you created in “GithubRepoName” sections of the URL.

Step 4

Deploy to gh-pages:

After building the App, you can now deploy it to Github Pages using the angular-cli-ghpages tool.

Run the command below in your terminal to deploy the App:

$ npx angular-cli-ghpages — dir=dist/Project-name

Note: Make sure you put the name of the project in the place of “Project-name” in the command above.

You can find this in the angular.json file under defaultProject which is at the bottom of the file. If the project name is wrong, your App will not work; so if you are seeing any errors, check the angular.json to confirm if you used the correct project name.

Step 6

Visit the App Page:

Visit the URL to your App gh-pages, it is the same URL you created earlier on our terminal;

You should see your application running remotely, which means it has successfully been published on gh-pages.

Method 2

Below is the first method for deploying an Angular App to Github pages.

Step 1

Create your Github Repository:

The first thing to do if you want to deploy your Angular App on Github pages is to create a repo for your project.

After creating the repo, commit all your changes and push your project files to the repository you have created.

Step 2

Create a gh-pages branch on your local machine:

You need to create a gh-pages branch from your master branch on your computer and checkout to the branch.

Run the command below in your terminal to create a gh-pages branch:

$ git branch gh-pages

$ git checkout gh-pages

Step 3

Build your App:

Checkout out to your gh-pages branch and build your Angular app in this branch.

Run the commands below in your terminal to build your app:

$ git checkout -b gh-pages

$ git push origin gh-pages

$ npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages

$ ng build — prod — base-href https://[username][repo]/

$ ngh — dir=dist/[project-name]

Note: Make sure you put your “username”, “repo name” and the name of the project in the place of “Project-name” in the commands above.

You can find this in the angular.json file under defaultProject which is at the bottom of the file. If the project name is wrong, your App will not work; so if you are seeing any errors, check the angular.json to confirm if you used the correct project name.

** You only need to set the “ — base-href” flag once, next time you make changes and build the project you can simply run:

$ ng build — prod

Step 4

Visit the App Page:

Visit the URL to your Angular app gh-pages, it is the same URL you created earlier on our terminal;

You should see your application running remotely, which means it has successfully been published on gh-pages.


I hope you were able to deploy your Angular App to Github pages using either of the above procedures. If you have any questions or suggestions, kindly drop them in the comments.

Before you go, don’t forget to share this article on your social media profiles, someone might find it useful.

Top comments (1)

francisrod01 profile image
Francis Rodrigues

Now my project doesn't have the repo name in the static files Url.

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <base href="/">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.35b4cc1e4bf063be119d.css">