DEV Community

Jeffrey Hicks
Jeffrey Hicks

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99 Bottles of OOP

Chapter 1

Cyclomatic Complexity - Thomas J. McCabe

Optimize for understandability, not changeability, and patiently tolerating duplication if doing so will help reveal the underlying abstraction.

ABC Metric

  • Assignments - count of variable assignments

  • Branches - count of branches

  • Conditions - count conditional logic

Chapter 2

TDD - Kent Beck

How can achieve code Simplicity with TDD?

  • Red - Write a test

  • Green - Make it run

  • Refactor - Make it right

Tests are not the place for abstractions—they are the place for concretions.

Chapter 3

SOLID - Michael Feathers & Robert Martin

Open/Closed - "open for extension and closed for modification"

“Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure." - Martin Fowler

  • Flocking Rules

Chapter 4

To Be Continued

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