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DevBlog - Pilot Blog - Everything has to start somewhere


Hello there!

So, how do I start this now?
First of all, thank you for reading this.
To clear things up, this is the first Blog about the game "The Farm".
In here I wanna start with explaining what's already in the game at the current time.
We are at the stage of having a core-feature-demo, meaning there is currently no story, further meaning or replayability in the game, but that is what we are here for.
This Blog will go into coding specific details at some points, since this is just as much for me to keep track of my own progress as it is for others to read.

Core Features


Farming is the core-mechanic that every other mechanic should require or build upon on.


There are currently 3 different types of crops implemented: Wheat, Potatoes and Carrots.
Each crop can have a specific tool assigned to it, making it un-harvestable with every other tool. (there is an option to have it be harvested by any tool too!)

An Image showing the Code-Implementation of a Crop


The current tools are Hoe, Sickle and Shovel.
The Sickle will be needed to harvest Wheat.
The Shovel will be needed to harvest Potatoes.
The Hoe currently has no specific crop or use, with the idea being that it could be used to plow dirt later on.

An Image showing the Code-Implementation of a Tool

Currently the Tools have a very specific use, but in the future there may be some more features or interactions added.
This should turn each Tool from just a way to harvest crops into a more useful Item.


To allow the Player to change the world to however they would want it to be, there are different Objects which can be placed wherever there is still some free space left.
If the Player wants to remove an already placed Object, they will get a certain amount of the resourves needed to build it back.
In addition, to prevent the Player from accidentally deleting items which were in a chest, the removal of an Object with an inventory can only be done, if said inventory is empty.


There are currently 3 different sizes of Chests, those being Small, Medium and Large.
The current slots are 8 for Small, 16 for Medium and 24 for Large, but depending on the amount of different Items those sizes may be rebalanced in the future.

An Image showing the Code-Implementation of a Chest


What I mean as Trading is basically every exchange of Items, on which there currently exist 2 different types of (with at least 2/3 more planned).


The Trades itself are currently the major (and only) way to progress in the game.
They consist of what Items to put into, what Items to get out of and whether any of those actions have already been done.

An Image showing the Code-Implementation of a Trade


The Shop is currently used to prevent accidental Soft-Locking by allowing the Player to exchange Crops gotten through Trading into the Crops the Player got beforehand.
The currently most used Crop is the Potato, since it can be sold for Wheat and for Carrots, while the Carrot can be sold for a Potato, meaning you would have to get to the Potato in order to use the Shop.


The current version of the game has one readable book, with a lot more being added later on. The whole point of having books is in order to give the Users who want to learn more about the World, Player and everything else a way to read about it inside of the game, instead of having to find a separate Wiki or anything similar to that. (That doesn't mean that there won't be one with detailed information about every Item, Object and everything else in there :) )


Those are all the features currently in the game. Of course there will be a lot more added in the future. If you would want to know what's currently in the game, I'd recommend reading the newest versions of this DevBlog, check out my Twitter or Discord Channel (if that has already been created).

If you have any feedback, ideas or just want to say something feel free to write a comment under this DevBlog, message me on Twitter or on Discord, whatever you think fits best.
Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed this little Blog and I'll see you in the next one, have a good night.

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