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John Peters
John Peters

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Generic Components and Bad Design

<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let thing">
            {{ getContent(thing, displayedColumns[3]) | date: "MM/dd/yyyy" }}
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The snippet above is a part of the MaterialTable, in particular it is table data within a table row. The mat-cell directive allows us to bind data etc.

This is actual code from a component we built to make use of the MaterialTable easier. Like this:

      [columnHeaders]="['ID', 'Group Name', 'Display Name', 'Values']"
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We simply reuse our app-material-table by hooking up the datSource, showing the search bar and configuring the column headers to the column property names.

This code:

  {{ getContent(thing, displayedColumns[3]) | date: "MM/dd/yyyy" }}
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Automatically piped the content to a date formatter. While this passed the muster early on, reusing this component proved the pipe to be a bad design. Why, because not all data was going to have a dateTime field in this column!

Take Away:

As we design 'generic' components we must take into account data types. For 'generic' component reuse the responsibility on data formatting is NOT on the reusable component unless there's a way to tell it when and how to format data; otherwise, the responsibility is on the caller.


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