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VOLTA - RabbitMQ`s framework that I`m working on.

For the last couple of weeks, it has been a constant challenge to work with RabbitMQ in Golang. And during these couple of weeks I noticed that all existing libraries are super-verboose, and I found a solution to this problem - write my own microframework to create microservices with RabbitMQ.

The name of this project is VOLTA.


For the last year, for API development, I've been using a library called Fiber. I really like the way you work with it and the fact that it's similar to Express.js. So I decided to implement a similar usage pattern in Volta, you create simple handlers and just register them to a queue.

I want to roughly demonstrate how it works and ease of use.

func main() {
    app := volta.New(volta.Config{
        RabbitMQ:  "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/",

    app.AddExchanges(volta.Exchange{Name: "test", Type: "topic"})
    app.AddQueue(volta.Queue{Name: "test", RoutingKey: "test", Exchange: "test"})

    app.AddConsumer("test", Handler)

    if err := app.Listen(); err != nil {

func Handler(ctx *volta.Ctx) error {
    return ctx.Reply([]body("Hello, World!"))
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I also lacked the functionality of middlewares, so I had to implement those as well.

app.Use(func(ctx *volta.Ctx) error {
    return ctx.Next()

app.AddConsumer("testing", func(ctx *volta.Ctx) error {
    return ctx.Reply([]body("Hello, World!"))

// Output:
// Before
// Handler
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Also, I like the ability in Fiber to change the serialization of JSON, so I brazenly stole their idea to Volta

app := volta.New(volta.Config{
     Marshal: sonic.Marshal,
     Unmarshal: sonic.Unmarshal,
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My project is only a couple days old and needs ideas and tweaks, I'd love if you could help with that :)

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