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Kashif Soofi
Kashif Soofi

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Counter App with GTK4 and .NET 8

GTK and .NET

GTK is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

.NET is the free, open-source, cross-platform framework for building modern apps and powerful cloud services.

Focus of this tutorial is to write a counter app with GTK 4 and C# targeting .NET 8.

Project Setup

Let's begin by installing all necessary tools. First, follow the instructions on the GTK website in order to install GTK 4. Then install .NET by following instructions for your platform from download page. We are targeting GTK4, .NET 8 and Gir.Core.Gtk-4.0 0.4.0.

Now lets create a new empty folder named gtk4-dotnet8-counter-app and execute following to create an empty solution:

dotnet new sln
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Next we will add a console application and add that to our solution

dotnet new console -o Counter.App
dotnet sln add Counter.App/Counter.App.csproj
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

New lets add C# bindings for Gtk4 to our Counter.App project

cd Counter.App
dotnet add package GirCore.Gtk-4.0 --version 0.4.0
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now we can run our application by executing:

dotnet run
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

At this moment it would print Hello, world!.


Lets start by creating GTK Application and add an OnActivate event handler to create the application window.

var application = Gtk.Application.New("org.GirCore.GTK4Counter", Gio.ApplicationFlags.FlagsNone);
application.OnActivate += (sender, args) =>
    var window = Gtk.ApplicationWindow.New((Gtk.Application)sender);
    window.Title = "GTK Counter App";
    window.SetDefaultSize(300, 300);
return application.RunWithSynchronizationContext();
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will dispaly an empty window.
Blank Window


Time to add some content. Lets start by adding a Label and displaying Hello World! text.

Add following to OnActivate event handler.

    var labelCounter = Gtk.Label.New("Hello World!");
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And add labelCounter as child of window.

    var window = Gtk.ApplicationWindow.New((Gtk.Application)sender);
    window.Title = "GTK Counter App";
    window.SetDefaultSize(300, 300);
    window.Child = labelCounter;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Running the application now would display Hello World! text in the window.
Hello World

Increment Button

Lets create a button

    var buttonIncrease = Gtk.Button.New();
    buttonIncrease.Label = "Increase";
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Now that we have multiple widgets, we would add a Gtk.Box to hold all the child elements and add that Box as child to window instead.

    var gtkBox = Gtk.Box.New(Gtk.Orientation.Vertical, 0);

    window.Child = gtkBox;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Increase Button

Add Click Handler

Lets add a counter and button click handler. We will update the counter and update the labelCounter with the value.

Variable declare will look like following and set label value.

    var counter = 0;

    var labelCounter = Gtk.Label.New(counter.ToString());
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Lets add a click handler for the buttonIncrease.

    buttonIncrease.OnClicked += (_, _) =>
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Incremented Value

Add Decrease Button and Handler

Lets add another button to decrease the value and update label.

    var buttonDecrease = Gtk.Button.New();
    buttonDecrease.Label = "Decrease";
    buttonDecrease.OnClicked += (_, _) =>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Counter App


Source code for the demo application is hosted on GitHub in blog-code-samples repository.


In no particular order

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