DEV Community

Kashish Bansal
Kashish Bansal

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AR/VR is the future

AR/VR is now not only limited to building and playing games or getting a roller coaster experience but now is much more than that. In future, this is going to be used for almost every application and that is what developers are trying to do currently.
In hard times like COVID-19, AR/VR can make life easy where a person working from home can experience work from office and do the work as he/she does on a regular basis. This way (ideally), there will be no difference in work from home and work from office. Person while staying inside can do almost anything that he/she wants to do.
These days, it is being used in almost every field like medical where doctor can operate a person remotely with help of robots and VR and it has infinite possibilities.
Innovation in this field is endless and can be used for betterment of society.

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