DEV Community

I Built My Portfolio With Wordpress

Kim Arnett  on January 09, 2020

Yup, that's right, and I'm not sorry either. Let me take you on a journey of building my portfolio and a few things I've learned along the way. In...
xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

I'm personally using a static site generator for my site and the initial setup and design changes have taken days to get going. I feel your pain; however, with a static site generated and served through github pages with a simple CICD job, I could quickly revert the code base or replace it with my local copy.

The sentiment of focusing on the content and not the presentation is 💯 on point. Good luck making it work for you and your career.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

I love the "not sorry" attitude towards WordPress.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes • Edited

Approved. Whatever works, right? Developers as a whole have a peculiar fetish around tools rather than what they can get done with them.

Who cares that you don't write your own website - in fact, you could argue that you're actually sending a message to the world about your priorities as a developer.

ndy40 profile image

I came to this realisation too. I got ridiculed for not having a lot of projects on Github and then I did, not one employer has looked at my profile (I still have some stuff though), I setup a simple ghost blog and applied all the modern practices I could and use that as my talking point to show I do continuous deployment etc etc. In the end, it is my writing they notice.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Definitely! A team might checkout your stack, but in the end, where is your contributions more noticed? Go there! 🙂