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Kim Arnett 
Kim Arnett 

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What Makes an Environment Inclusive?

Yup, I'm opening that can of worms. I don't care what your gender, race, orientation, etc, etc is. I want to know what an 'inclusive environment' means to you.

For me:
I like to see women in leadership roles. I like to see that everyone's opinion is valued and that everyone feels welcome to speak up. Even the quiet people. :)

Secondly: What would you do to create a more inclusive environment to your standards?

I'd make sure existing ladies are being promoted as much as their male colleagues. If someone is dictating the conversation during team events or meetings, I'd find a way to get a balance in the room, even if it resorts to something like a speaking stick.

Top comments (39)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I want an environment that doesn't think it's "done" with some kind of inclusiveness program. It's an ongoing initiative, and it's everyone's job.

It seems like people stop trying with inclusiveness, either out of success or failure, and things quickly go back to being worse than ever.

The tech industry will spend decades working on a hard technical problem until it works but give up on improving its culture in about five minutes.

dubyabrian profile image
W. Brian Gourlie

The tech industry will spend decades working on a hard technical problem until it works but give up on improving its culture in about five minutes.

I disagree. Big companies and universities alike have promoted diversity and inclusion efforts for years, and when they fail to produce the desired results, we see comments like this that blame a boogey man as opposed to their presuppositions.

If we continue to rely on shallow interpretations of statistics (a la stackoverflow) to frame the problem, we will fail to address actual problems. I think we could start by not sending the message to potential tech enthusiasts that developer culture is a terrible and unwelcoming environment.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

But I didn't frame the problem in terms of stats like the SO survey or anything. I agree that cynicism isn't a good recruiting tactic. What I'm describing is an actual addressable problem: The tendency to implement a generic solution, fail (or succeed, even) and move on.

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dubyabrian profile image
W. Brian Gourlie

But I didn't frame the problem in terms of stats like the SO survey or anything.

These are the kinds of statistics typically used to make the case that the industry is not being inclusive enough, as was the case with stackoverflow. I apologize if this was reaching.

What I'm describing is an actual addressable problem: The tendency to implement a generic solution, fail (or succeed, even) and move on.

How do we implement a non-generic solution to a very generic problem? How do we make sure that people from all around the world, of various cultures, ethnicity, identity, ideology, and experiences all feel included? Challenging the premise here: Is universal inclusion feasible? Or should we focus more on making sure that nobody is excluded, while offering a hand to disadvantaged people to give them the opportunities that they may otherwise not have?

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Is universal inclusion feasible? Or should we focus more on making sure that nobody is excluded

If there is any distinction here, I'm not sure how important it is.

But either way, what I mean is that inclusiveness is a messy problem. It's often addressed with platitudes rather than strategy. What's the strategy? That's really on the org, just like the rest of their work. Smart people figure out solutions to problems that actually fall within the core directives.

Who gets priority between the employee who needs service animal and the employee who is very allergic to dogs? It's probably not a solution that needs to be architected well in advance of the issue coming up. Other potential problems are much more straightforward, but from what I've seen the difference is how bought in the team is to treating inclusiveness like a core issue.

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dubyabrian profile image
W. Brian Gourlie • Edited

If there is any distinction here, I'm not sure how important it is.

I think there's a huge distinction, especially given how many inclusion efforts in the tech industry have been carried out. In fact, I've published an article on this very site highlighting this!

We've come to a point where terms like "inclusion" and "code-of-conduct" have been tainted in such a way that they are essentially self-defeating. I've seen many instances where people claim to feel excluded if people whom they disagree with are included.


A perfect illustration of what "inclusivity" has come to represent, tweeted 4 hours ago:

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kpollich profile image
Kyle Pollich

Re: Your edit. That tweet is from May of 2018, not from 4 hours ago.

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dubyabrian profile image
W. Brian Gourlie

It was from from 4 hours ago in May of 2018, when I made the edit.

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kpollich profile image
Kyle Pollich

Ah my mistake - something's funky with my feed.

tmcsquared profile image

While I do not like people being treated differently based on their color, race, gender, etc; that does not imply that I have to treat all skill levels equally. Some people are better than others at different things, it's just life. I don't particularly enjoy hearing about skillful people not getting hired simply because of a company policy of: "We have to treat everyone equally" The same goes for promotions as well, skill is learned, whereas gender, race, etc. is not learned.

As for creating an "inclusive" environment, I would make sure that everyone knows that they are as much a part of the company/whatever as anyone else, kind of like a well-structured family. Me personally I would not 'make sure' ladies are getting promoted just as much as the men. I do have respect for ladies, don't get me wrong on that ;) however, I would promote based on skill and experience alone and not have gender be in the equation at all.

Thanks for asking a great question and allowing us to answer it!


kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett  • Edited

I would promote based on skill and experience alone and not have gender be in the equation at all.

How it should be -- however fact is that men are being promoted over the ladies because they are more outspoken/ have more opportunities given to them for various reasons etc. If IT WAS based on skill I bet you'd see about 50% for each being promoted :)

Otherwise you can analyze based on skill and ability to get the job done while still having respect for everyone. As it should!

Thanks for your input!

ghost profile image
Ghost • Edited

Please don't take this as a push back, but as additional information we all need to know. A FACT that keeps getting overlooked is that only 24% of STEM jobs in the US are held by women. This in itself creates a disproportionate number of men being promoted more than women so it's just not an aggressive thing that gets men promoted, it's also the numbers. Yet when this is brought up many are chastised for making this point.

Through out my 35 years in this industry there have been many changes. One of the best improvements is more women in tech. This gives teams a diverse set of skills and thoughts about solving problems that were not around in the early days. We need more!

If we want to fix this problem we need more young women to get involved in STEM degrees and jobs.

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kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

You’re right. Sometimes I forget being on a team with multiple ladies kicking butt. 😊 but change is coming. 🙌🏼

tmcsquared profile image

Your welcome!
I do agree with you on this when it comes to mental and some physical things; however, there is a difference for some tasks, like heavy lifting, physical battle, etc. where men have a slight advantage over women because of their biological makeup.

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kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Shouldn’t be having physical battles in the workplace 🤔

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tmcsquared profile image

lol, I was mostly speaking in a broader sense than just in the workplace.

orloffm profile image
Mikhail Orlov

Inclusive for me is when:

1) Everyone's contributions are welcome and possible. Probably in a way that everyone has a part of the project he or she can be creative in and fully responsible for.
2) Physical work conditions are suitable for everyone, not only for loud extroverts.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 


dylanlacey profile image
Dylan Lacey

For me, an inclusive environment is one where, even if you're the only person of a certain "kind", you feel like you belong.

It expresses itself in different ways to different people. As a gay man I don't like when people assume my partner is a woman. As an Australian I'm OK with lighthearted teasing about Australia... But only if I can do lighthearted teasing of US culture as well.

As a grown adult I like to be able to swear... But I'm sure people of faith would prefer I don't blaspheme. Some people have preferred gender pronouns. People with food intolerances or requirements would like if catered meals were catered with them in mind.

The most challenging thing is that it's an active work. You need to identify the belonging needs of those who you work with and those you don't, and try to make those happen. You also have to deal with people in privileged positions who might interpret attempts to include others as a loss to themselves. You need to keep re-evaluating how you're going and what you can do better.

(Some things I've felt personally excluded by, just to give some concrete info to this post:

  • A plethora of activities held at HQ and almost nothing for remote workers or satellite offices
  • "Family" being used to mean "Parent/s and underaged children" exclusively
  • "We can't implement #{benefit} in #{region} because it'd be hard."
  • Prizes or gifts for competitions/performance with gendered components)
annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

"For me, an inclusive environment is one where, even if you're the only person of a certain "kind", you feel like you belong."

This really resonated with me. I've been an "only" in situations where this was true and not true. Thanks as well for your examples!

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

I love this. All of it.
I would love to see all these points solved, and I think it can definitely be done with some mindfulness. 💛

craser profile image
Grumpy and

Like Kim, if I see women & POC in leadership roles, that's a good sign. Even better if I see a wide variety of ages and experience levels as well.

And I think work/life balance is core to team culture & inclusiveness. Teams that take after-hours work as a given are hard on parents, caregivers, athletes, volunteers, military Reservists, etc.

kaelscion profile image

An inclusive environment, to me, is one that doesn't have an "inclusiveness program" or policy, but rather just treats people like people. Yes, I am a white male of European descent. But I am also Autistic, Bipolar, and have days where I cannot leave my house due to anxiety levels being through the roof. Luckily, I'm a contractor and freelancer so days on the couch crying are okay. But I've worked at several environments where mental health issues were totally understood, but with a deadline in mind.

By that I mean that my colleagues and supervisors, or even the people working under me were really understanding of the fact that the fluorescent lights were making me head feel like it was going to explode. They acted totally okay with the fact that I could tell a high-producing sales person that he and his team wanted in a product was totally irrelevant and he could go back to counting his money and let software people worry about software problems, then be unable to leave my office the next day due to fear that I would somehow be killed in doing so. The problem was, after awhile, the "inclusiveness" and "understanding" went away and my issues became a liability. Suddenly, 5-star reviews turned into the being raked over the coals, even though my productivity couldn't be higher.

Real inclusiveness is being accepting of people in every shape, size, orientation, gender, religion, and mental health status without a deadline in mind. This isn't some effort to generate good PR. The idea of "Look! We promoted a black man!" or "We have engineers who are women that are actually productive!!!" is absolute nonsense because you are bragging about it. Inclusiveness isn't about public relations or a company's image and if it is, it is fake as fake can be. If you accept everybody, you don't need blow a trumpet ahead of yourself for it, you just do it because its the right thing to do.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Very well said! Thank you so much for sharing. I couldn't agree more :)

notyoyoma profile image
notyoyoma • Edited

I would love to see more women in tech. I work in a male dominated office, and the culture and conversations are cringeworthy sometimes.

That being said, it's important to keep hiring and promotion decisions strictly objective. (Not biased towards or against either gender)

Immagine if, in your desire to advance females, you promoted an incompetent female instead of a competent male. Everyone who had to work under or with her would resent your "inclusive agenda". It would start to look a lot like nepotism.

I think some of the ideas Google has worked on in this area is a step in the right direction. Here's a podcast talking about it:

I particularly like applying the strength of the double-blind control method to hiring practices.

So to answer your question, IMO an inclusive environment is one with the brightest people, an open idea space, and a focus on scientific objectivity.

To foster that kind of environment, i have no idea. I'm glad that's not my job.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

I'm glad that's not my job.

Same. lol

I agree - conversations can be so messy. Especially with 'locker room talk'. It has no place in the workplace.

notyoyoma profile image

Or "locker room smells" ugh

jbeetz profile image
J Beetz

My feeling is teamwork, inclusion and success work hand in hand. I simply cannot do things as well as some of my coworkers. I also sometimes prefer to share a problem than tackle it alone. This in turn has created a place where coworkers have also come to me with their challenges.

I have also worked with people who chose to not share their challenges. Instead they were 'competing ' with me and others. I've found these people made it hard for themselves.

I think the secret to this is focusing on the challenge together and supporting people where they are at, not expecting them to change. Instead focusing on how to improve by being a good team member.

This approach has worked for me in some very difficult situations. The sharing piece is incredibly important, but the listening piece is critical.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Having a safe environment where you can share and get real with your team members is where it’s at. Competing with one another is just too exhausting.

lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye

Inclusive to me means:

  • varying the types of company or team events and making sure to have social hours and events that aren't centered on drinking alcohol
  • choosing venues that accommodate nursing mothers and people with disabilities (and considering people's religion whenever food is involved)
  • providing ways for employees to provide feedback anonymously
  • investing in an HR team early on
  • creating an interview rubric that doesn't focus on previous education or open source contributions

I've found Project Include to be incredibly informative and educational when it comes to thinking about what a truly inclusive environment and culture means. I've also learned so much about what inclusion is by working with various engineering teams that focus on it.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Great insight! Thanks so much for the resources also.

squidbe profile image

Diversity (of various kinds) has been well covered in this topic, so I'll just +1 it. I'd just like to add that I want to see more inclusivity of differing work styles. In software, open floor plans seem to be a given, but I find them difficult to work in. The assumption is that open floor leads to more collaboration, but all I've experienced over the past decade is that they make it more difficult for me to focus whether that be for writing code or even just for discussing possible solutions with teammates. Headphones only help so much, and they do nothing WRT the constant stream of people walking in my field of view.

I'd love to see companies provide quiet/"closed" environments as well as open floors (some companies do). A big part of inclusivity is letting everyone perform up to their potential, and based on past experience, I know I'm not performing up to mine.

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