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Differences and Benefits of Using 'px' vs 'em' in CSS Styling

In CSS, "px" (pixels) and "em" (ems) are both units of measurement used to specify the size of text, images, and other elements on a web page. The main difference between the two is that "px" is an absolute unit of measurement, while "em" is a relative unit of measurement.

When using "px", the size of an element is fixed and will not change based on the user's device or browser settings. For example, if an element is set to have a font size of 16px, it will always be displayed at 16 pixels on the user's screen, regardless of the user's device or browser settings.

On the other hand, when using "em", the size of an element is relative to the size of the parent element's font. For example, if an element is set to have a font size of 1em, it will be displayed at the same size as the parent element's font. So if the parent element's font is 16px, the child element will also be displayed at 16px. This can be useful if you want to create a responsive design that adapts to the user's device or browser settings.

Here is an example of using "px" and "em" in CSS:

/* Using "px" */
h1 {
  font-size: 36px;

/* Using "em" */
h2 {
  font-size: 2em;
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In general, "px" is a better choice for designs that require precise control over the size of elements. "px" is also the preferred choice for elements that need to be a specific size, such as images or buttons. On the other hand, "em" is a better choice for designs that need to be responsive and adapt to the user's device or browser settings.


In summary, "px" is a better choice for designs that require precise control over the size of elements, and "em" is a better choice for designs that need to be responsive and adapt to the user's device or browser settings.

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