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Cover image for Carraway: A Tool to Simplify Gatsby
Kepler Sticka-Jones
Kepler Sticka-Jones

Posted on • Originally published at

Carraway: A Tool to Simplify Gatsby

Gatsby is an incredible tool. It allows web developers to build fast, modular, and powerful websites with minimal effort. However, like all great software, there is room for improvement. This is why I've created Carraway.

Gatsby is Great, Why do I Need Carraway?

Let's take a step back here. Gatsby is a JavaScript framework named after the titular character of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. This American classic follows narrator Nick Carraway as he recounts his experiences of the summer he lived next to the great Jay Gatsby. Throughout the book, Gatsby demonstrates his great generosity and power in the New York of the 1920s, however, to achieve his ultimate goal he needs the help of his neighbor Nick.

Nick Carraway simplifies Jay Gatsby's lifelong pursuit. Carraway helps Gatsby.

This relationship is what inspires my new tool, Carraway. While building a series of websites built in Gatsby (my personal website, the vanity website for my surname, the AtomBuild website, and the AtomLinter website) I became very interested in using Gatsby's Theme functionality to abstract away the code portions of my websites and making the repositories for my sites only responsible for the site's content and configuration. The result of doing this using only Gatsby is a repo that contains no source code files aside from the gatsby-config.js required by Gatsby. This is where Carraway comes in.

Carraway allows us to configure Gatsby using a JSON object in either gatsby.config.json or package.json (under the "gatsby" key.) This allows us to create Gatsby sites with no source files, letting us focus on the content of our sites.

How Do I Use Carraway?

Much like the character, it's named after, Carraway is rather simple. Using Carraway in your Gatsby project is a simple three-step process: installing the package, moving your configuration, and using Carraway to run Gatsby.


Carraway is available on NPM. To install it run the following in your site directory:

npm install carraway

Or, if you are using Yarn:

yarn add carraway


Next, you'll need to move your site's Gatsby config to either gatsby.config.json or package.json (under the "gatsby" key) as a JSON object. You should have either a gatsby.config.json with the following structure:

  "siteMetadata": {},
  "plugins": []

Or the following structure in your package.json:

  "gatsby": {
    "siteMetadata": {},
    "plugins": []


After installation and configuration, you're ready to use Carraway! Carraway will now handle your Gatsby configuration and will invoke Gatsby for you. If you were using NPM scripts to run Gatsby in your project, update your scripts to match this. You should go from a scripts section like the following:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "gatsby build",
    "develop": "gatsby develop"

To the following:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "carraway build",
    "develop": "carraway develop"


Carraway is a simple tool in both idea and implementation. But using it will have some profound effects. It encourages the development of open software when building websites, and good organization of the content that makes your website. Hosting the code that powers your website in NPM packages will allow you to build your site like the software it is, while isolating your site-specific content and configuration.

The source code for Carraway can be found on Github. If you have any ideas for improvement, please contribute! Let's make powerful website creation simple and powerful.

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