DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v42

laughingbubba profile image
Laughing Bubba • Edited

1) React / Vue like component goodness without the bundle bloat of React / Redux etc cuz the templates and dependencies are all tree shaken before being compiled to plain JS bundle which ONLY has the bare minimum code (whats left after the shake) to make the pages function blindingly fast.

2) A flat learning curve - they have (apparently) a similar structure to vue components.

The svelte templates are a little handlebrs-ish and if you've ever used Meteor.js there's a familiar reactiveness about it

Fun fact Evan You used to work for Meteor.js and peeled off when they introduced support for React.

3) You have SSR with Sapper but you're not wedded to it and it just generally makes sense to me compared to JSX.

I haven't looked back since.

OH and it has it's own online REPL to try wired and wack things out with.

Thread Thread
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Huh, interesting! Yeah, I definitely should check it out. Thanks!