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Git fundamentals, a complete guide

Leandro Proença on March 15, 2023

If you already work with Git daily but want to have a good comprehension of Git fundamentals, then this post is for you. Here, you'll have the cha...
rajhawaldar profile image
Raj Hawaldar

Hey @leandronsp, your blog writing skill is outstanding. Great Post!

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

I appreciate Raj <3

julitroalves profile image
Julio Alves

Great article, thanks!
It's worth noting that you must never do git rebase main when working on a repository with other coworkers because it gonna rewrite all the commits hash and throw conflict merge with all team members.

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

Indeed, I should’ve used git rebase fix instead, well spotted!

deadjdona profile image
Dead J. Dona

how did you get these files inside git-101 folder?

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença • Edited

I created them manually, they aren’t the focus of the article.

deadjdona profile image
Dead J. Dona

it would be interesting to know how to do this, and also have exact structure that need to be created.
ls -F1 .git/
shows nothing to me, so I didn't read after that.

Thread Thread
leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

did you run git init in the folder as suggested in the guide?

benlopes profile image
Ruben Lopes

You are a great teacher! Have you ever considered about developing an algorithms & data structures course/material? I myself would pay in advance for that! Anyways, thanks a lot for this git fundamentals guide!

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

Hi Ruben, I appreciate your words <3

I've never considered creating such material, for now I'm just dumping thoughts on blogposts, but thanks for enlightening me!

romil_code profile image
Romil Jain

Hey, That was really great article and really took a deep dive into the topic

parmcoder profile image
Possawat Sanorkam

This is exactly what I would want to see with git 101. You will help a lot of CS kids in their classes with this. Thanks man! Well written!

leandronsp profile image
Leandro Proença

Thanks, that's exactly my goal writing these articles, bring fundamentals in a language easy to grasp. CS fundamentals don't need to be like black magic where only CS wizards can understand, that's why I work to fight that misconception about CS fundamentals

r_john_victor profile image
R John Victor

Explained it very clear. Thanks for posting

mfurmaniuk profile image

Nicely done, its good to review the basics of the git now and again as some of these I used a lot years ago (like cherry-pink) but haven't for a long time.

renanborgez profile image
Renan Borges

incredible post,thanks

wooncherk profile image
Lam Woon Cherk

Great post! 😊

manjunani profile image
Manjunatha Sai Uppu

Thanks a lot for the detailed Info @leandronsp

abdorah profile image
Kotbi Abderrahmane

This is a great article, thank you and keep the good work!!!!

quinsulonphd profile image
Quinsulon Israel, PhD

Thank you for a succinct look as some of the ignored or less thought about inner workings of git.

samuel_marien profile image
Samuel Marien

Thank for this amazing article, clear and detailed !

staalezh profile image
Ståle Z.H

Great post!

linhtv26 profile image
Tran Van Linh

Awesome article!

mino profile image

Great Article :)

jonnius profile image
Evgenii • Edited

for those who are interesting how to get "tree" option for the command
$ git commit-tree 3725c -m 'my precious commit'

you get the value after previously having called "git write-tree" , that has
a long notation 3725c9e313e5ae764b2451a8f3b1415bf67cf471
a short one 3725c
both can be used

yyycc profile image


jonnius profile image

to newbies dont forget to initialize git folder add
$ mkdir git-101
$ cd git-101
$ git init

jonnius profile image
Evgenii • Edited

for those who receives an error calling checkout
$ git checkout -b FIX
fatal: this operation must be run in a work tree sure you are NOT IN the .git subfolder