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Last Minute Boilerplates

One of the definitions of boilerplates is "writing that is clichéd or expresses a generally accepted opinion or belief". This writing, in a sense, is the cliché of "I had all week to do this, and I'm writing it 5 mins before midnight the night it's due". We all have our strengths and weaknesses, much like frameworks.

There's really sparkly ones that are full of menus to get you started, like Angular. It's too cluttered. No, I don't want to check out the Angular blog. What's the fun in having things easy? Angular is the only one that uses ng to set it up. Sounds like some proprietary bs (as I type this on a Mac).

StencilJS seems like an underdog, it's got a story to tell. But it's not a framework at all. Like the lovable oddball most movies have (back to clichés), that's kinda where StencilJS sticks. It seemed similar to open-wc as in it used the terminal to select options, and was a simple line of text to you get started with your web component.

React was simply established. There was a lot of documentation associated, but there's a full stack of developers dedicating their lives to it. Many people who swear by it, and that just happens to create a large pool of features because everyone has their different needs. This is gold star of developer experience; there's so many resources and so many people working on it, how can it be horrible.

VueJS was simple enough to use. If I was going to build an app tomorrow, I would probably try Vue because there seems like enough documentation to help me stumble through it.

Overall, all frameworks have a similar set up. There's package.json files and src files. That's just conventions, clichés, what frameworks are. I think my favorite is the inevitable README.


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