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Learning Gulp

I have used Gulp for a while but I have never really understood everything in the gulpfile - it just seemed like magic to me. I have always just used examples from others and tweaked what I needed to get it to work. Which has been fine, but I decided that I want to learn it properly so for my personal website, I wrote my own gulpfile.

I have only used Gulp 3 before so I wanted learn Gulp 4. I googled my way through it all, I learned which plugins to use for what cause and how to write up my tasks. There are TONS of resources if you google gulp 4 setup but I made sure I wasn't just copying and pasting. I want to understand each line of code in my file.

My personal website is in HTML with Sass so I wrote a gulpfile for my needs right now. I want to compile my Sass, add source maps and have a better, easier workflow.


Here is how to setup BrowserSync with gulp: BrowserSync docs


What I wanted

  • Compile Sass to CSS
  • Add source maps
  • Minify my CSS file
  • Use BrowserSync to see changes straight away.

Packages used

const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
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The code

function style() {
    return gulp.src('./assets/scss/main.scss')
        .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
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What this method does

When we do gulp.src('./assets/scss/main.scss'), it creates a node stream and reads our file. We can then use our plugins in .pipe methods to change the file how we like it until we save it to the final destination using .pipe(gulp.dest('./assets/css')).

The plugins

sourcemaps.init(): Initialise Source Maps - package gulp-sourcemaps.

sass().on('error', sass.logError): Compile my Sass to CSS - package gulp-sass

cleanCSS(): Minify my CSS - package gulp-clean-css. I started with uglify-css but noticed (after some debugging) that it broke my source maps! It basically removed the /*# */ part once minified, but this package does not.

sourcemaps.write('.'): Writes my source maps, ('.') meaning the same directory so it sits next to my main.css file. This is my favourite part and I just learned about this! Instead of using browserSync.reload(), this "injects" the css without doing a page refresh. So you see your style changes straight away - it's beautiful. We need to run this after gulp.dest() so that the css file has been written.


What I wanted

  • Notice when a .html or .scss file has changed
  • Run BrowserSync and reload browser if necessary.

Packages used

const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
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The code

function watch() {
        server: {
            baseDir: "./"
    });'./assets/scss/*.scss', style);'./**/*.html').on('change', browserSync.reload);
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What this method does

I first initialise BrowserSync by setting the baseDir. This will set up an Access URL where you can view your website. I am setting this to the same folder my file is in, this is where my index.html is. But if you have a local setup, you can add your url here, eg.

Then we add our watch tasks.'./assets/scss/*.scss', style) : It accepts 2 parameters, the files you want to watch and the function you want to run. This watches for a change in a .scss file that exists within my assets/scss folder, and calls my style method that I wrote before. This means that the Sass will automatically compile and BrowserSync will inject the css changes on my site straight away.'./**/*.html').on('change', browserSync.reload): Here we are watching for a change in any .html in my project. When a .html file changes, it calls browserSync.reload that refreshes my browser so we will see the change straight away.

Set a Default task

Finally I set my default gulp task, which means it will run when I type gulp in the cmd line. I want it to use my watch function by default, however I could write gulp watch and it will do the same. But it's good for learning purposes and it is quicker to type.

exports.default = watch;
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I went back and forth a bit, fixing one thing, adding a new plugin that turned out breaking something else but it's all a part of learning. I learned more about npm-packages like I have installed tons but never uninstalled one before - it's just npm uninstall my-package who knew!? I know it sounds simple but I have come to a point now where if I get a problem and I solve it myself (by googling obvs), I feel soo good. Like I can figure it out by myself, it's ok.

Another funny thing that happened is that once I pushed my new gulpfile to my repository on Github, Github was like oh no hun - you got security alerts. Long story short, I figured out that I was on an older node version, moved to a newer one, learned about npm audit and fixed the security flaws. This article helped me and npm audit fix worked like a dream.

So, this was a great learning process for me and I can now use gulp (and npm) more confidently. Here is the final gulpfile if anyone is interested.

The final gulpfile

const gulp = require('gulp');
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();

// Compile, SourceMaps and Minify CSS
function style() {
    return gulp.src('./assets/scss/main.scss')
        .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))

// Watch for file changes
function watch() {
        server: {
            baseDir: "./"
    });'./assets/scss/*.scss', style);'./**/*.html').on('change', browserSync.reload);
} = style; = watch;

// Default function when you run gulp
exports.default = watch;
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