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M Adeel
M Adeel

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Mastering React Server Components and Server Actions: A Comprehensive Guide

React Server Components (RSCs) represent the latest advancement in pre-rendering content on the web. They introduce a new mental model to the framework, allowing us to craft components that span both server and client realms.

What Are React Server Components?

Server Components are a new way to build interactive UIs in Next.js. Unlike traditional React components, Server Components render on the server during the initial request. This means faster initial page loads and improved SEO, as search engines can easily crawl and index the server-rendered content.

What Are React Server Actions?

Server Actions are asynchronous functions that execute on the server in response to user interactions. They are particularly useful for handling data mutations, form submissions, or any logic that requires access to server-side resources or databases. Server Actions are invoked from either Server Components or client-side components using a form's action attribute or event handlers.

Why Use React Server Components?

Performance Optimization: By running components on the server, it is possible to fetch data from databases and process huge datasets to create React components, resulting in faster application performance.
Bundle Size Reduction: Server components run only on the server and are not sent to browsers, reducing the JavaScript bundle size and leading to faster loading times.
SEO Benefits: Server components support automatic code splitting and improve your app’s performance with zero bundle size. This is crucial for SEO, as search engines can index the site properly since the actual HTML of the site is fully formed.

How to Adopt React Server Components

1. Understanding the Basics

Before diving into examples, ensure you understand the basics of React components, state management, and data passing using props.

2. Setting Up Next.js

Bootstrap a Next.js app with TypeScript and the app router. For styling, use a utility-first CSS framework like Tailwind.

3. Examples

Example 1: Inline Server Action

// Server Component
export default async function Page() {
  async function createNoteAction() {
    'use server';
    // Perform server-side action (e.g., database update)

  return (
    // Render your UI
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Example 2: Importing Server Actions

// actions.ts
'use server';
export async function createNoteAction() {
  // Perform server-side action

// Client Component
import { createNoteAction } from './actions';

function Button() {
  return (
    <button onClick={createNoteAction}>Create Note</button>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Pros and Cons


  • Offloads processing to a more powerful server.
  • Faster interactions and smoother user experience.
  • Zero impact on bundle size.
  • Search engines can easily crawl and index server-rendered content.


  • Requires understanding of server-side concepts.
  • May introduce complexity for beginners.
  • Complex server-side logic can impact server performance.


React Server Components offer a structured, maintainable approach to building applications. Embrace this new mental model and leverage its power to enhance your React apps!

Feel free to explore more examples and experiment with React Server Components. Happy coding! 🚀

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