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Cover image for Week V Experience task force 5.0
Maniple Kwizera
Maniple Kwizera

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Week V Experience task force 5.0

“People should pursue what they're passionate about. That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.’’ Elon Musk said.😎
As Elon said l am the happiest person because of the task force. Having enthusiasm is more curiously when you’re in your environment’s enthusiasm. As the story of Five weeks passed in the task force.
Week five was more interesting where I learned a lot of things, especially technical-wise. We were building our App endpoints (API) as a Backend team, indeed in case we are two in a back-end team which is kinder a challenge but we oversee to work together and as a team of cause, we are stepping to another level with GraphQL Which is a query language for APIs.
Indeed on the off chance that it’s a modern thing in us but we have as of now done a few inquiries about for presently we have done with a few endpoints where a full web App must be completed at the conclusion of this week. Something else l learned this week was self-organization, I used to know that self-organization is about being on time and doing work given at the perfect time but l found that Is more than that as in a team once everyone did his/her task it makes a big impact to the project given.
We also saw more about Design thinking which is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. It was the best experience since I didn’t know it before, and one of the tools that will help me in my career as a software engineer.

All in all, this was yet another educational, insightful, and fun week and I can't wait to see what comes next.🤩

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