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Vishwas Patel
Vishwas Patel

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Creating Graphic content using Python Pillow Library

To create an image using the Python PIL library that displays graphic content like rectangle and a circle, you will need to follow these steps:

1.Install the PIL library by running

pip install pillow

2.Import the necessary modules:

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
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3.Create a blank image with a white background using the method:

# Create a blank image with a white background
image ='RGB', (400, 400), 'white')
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4.Create a drawing context using the ImageDraw.Draw() method:

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
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5.Use the rectangle() method to draw a rectangle on the image:

# Draw a rectangle at (50, 50) with a width of 100 and a height of 200
draw.rectangle((50, 50, 150, 250), fill='red')
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6.Use the ellipse() method to draw a circle on the image:

# Draw a circle at (200, 200) with a radius of 50
draw.ellipse((150, 150, 250, 250), fill='blue')
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7.Save the image using the save() method:'image.png')
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Here is the complete code that puts everything together:

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Create a blank image with a white background
image ='RGB', (400, 400), 'white')

# Create a drawing context
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Draw a rectangle
draw.rectangle((50, 50, 150, 250), fill='red')

# Draw a circle
draw.ellipse((150, 150, 250, 250), fill='blue')

# Save the image'image.png')
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This code will create an image file named "image.png" that contains a red rectangle and a blue circle. You can then view the image using an image viewer or display it in a Python program using a library such as PyQt5 or tkinter.

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