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Maryam Yusuf
Maryam Yusuf

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All about my Outreachy journey -- Wrap Up

I still find it hard to believe that my Internship is almost over. It is really true that time flies when you are doing what you really love.
The three past months have been a life changing experience for me.

In this blog post I would talk about my experience, my growth path and my future plan to keep contributing to the open source community.

What was one fear I had about the internship that turned out to not come true

In the contribution phase, I had about seven projects I was interested in because they require Python and I was conversant with it.

After going through each project on GitHub something stood out about the KCIDB project. It is core Python which I wanted, It is also centred around improving the Linux Kernel development lifecycle. I knew very little about linux system and a lot of things in the project so it was really scary deciding to work on the project. I made the decision to contribute knowing I will either succeed or fail. And if eventually I failed I will have lessons to reflect on.

Taking a task at a time instead of thinking of it as being something vast and complicated, helped me focus on things I needed at the moment to complete my task which made my journey really smooth

How did my mentor help me along the way?

I really appreciate the support and time that my mentor gave me in spite of his schedule, he took out time to answer my questions and guide me through my journey.
Thank you Nikolai for all the support
Thank you for making me see the end of this amazing program

An amazing thing happened

I am really glad that I got to work on another project within KernelCI. I worked on creating a pipeline service to send revision data to KCIDB. It was awesome as I got a deeper understanding of the KernelCI project.

Next Steps ?

I am so excited to continue this journey with my community. I look forward to building great stuff in the open source community.

I would love to offer any assistance to future interns and ready to provide any guide to the KernelCI project. Feel free to reach me if you have any questions about Outreachy.

It is never a goodbye to the Linux Kernel Community, I plan to keep contributing to improve the Linux Kernel development lifecycle. I cannot wait to see KernelCI achieve its aim of standardising hardware testing for the Linux kernel.

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