DEV Community

Discussion on: Creating content but getting no engagement? 😭 A community that can help! πŸ’ͺ

mastermind profile image

Is this just for blogs, or are programmers also welcome? πŸ™‚

grahamthedev profile image

It’s for people who create content around development and tech. Can be video, articles, infographics etc.

Do you write or make vids?

mastermind profile image

I don't. I am trying to learn stuff and grow my skill set at the moment

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Cool, for now then not the right place, but if you follow a few people in this comments section who write about the stuff that interests you that is a great way to find some content to consume!

Obviously we hope at some point you do start writing about your journey and what you learn, if you do then drop me a message (my chat is open to all on DEV) and I will invite you once you have gotten into a groove!

If there is every anything you are struggling to find info on also reach out and I will see if there is anything relevant in the network for you!

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mastermind profile image

sure!! thank you so much :))