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Matin Mollapur
Matin Mollapur

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Python vs JavaScript: Which one is better for AI and web development?

Python vs JavaScript: Which one is better for AI and web development?

Python and JavaScript are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. They are both versatile, powerful, and widely used for various applications. But which one is better for AI and web development? This is a question that many developers and learners ask themselves when choosing a language to learn or use for their projects. In this article, we will compare Python and JavaScript based on several criteria, such as syntax, libraries, frameworks, performance, and popularity. We will also look at some examples of AI and web development projects that use either language. By the end of this article, you should have a better idea of which language suits your needs and preferences.


One of the first things that you will notice when comparing Python and JavaScript is their syntax. Syntax is the set of rules that define how a language is written and structured. It affects how easy or difficult it is to read, write, and debug code.

Python is known for its simple and elegant syntax. It uses indentation to define code blocks, which makes the code more readable and consistent. It also has fewer keywords, symbols, and punctuation than JavaScript. Python code tends to be shorter and more expressive than JavaScript code.

JavaScript, on the other hand, has a more complex and verbose syntax. It uses curly braces to define code blocks, which can lead to confusion and errors if not used properly. It also has many keywords, symbols, and punctuation that can make the code look cluttered and hard to follow. JavaScript code tends to be longer and more repetitive than Python code.

Here is an example of how to write a function that returns the sum of two numbers in both languages:

# Python
def add(a, b):
  return a + b
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
// JavaScript
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

As you can see, Python code is more concise and clear than JavaScript code.


Another important factor to consider when comparing Python and JavaScript is their libraries. Libraries are collections of pre-written code that provide functionality for specific tasks or domains. They can save you time and effort by allowing you to reuse existing code instead of writing your own.

Python has a rich and diverse set of libraries for AI and web development. For AI, some of the most popular libraries are:

  • NumPy: A library for numerical computing that provides fast and efficient operations on arrays and matrices.
  • pandas: A library for data analysis and manipulation that provides tools for working with tabular data structures.
  • SciPy: A library for scientific computing that provides functions for linear algebra, optimization, statistics, signal processing, etc.
  • TensorFlow: A library for machine learning that provides a platform for building, training, and deploying neural networks and other models.
  • scikit-learn: A library for machine learning that provides algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, etc.
  • PyTorch: A library for machine learning that provides a flexible and dynamic framework for building, training, and deploying neural networks and other models.
  • Keras: A high-level library for machine learning that provides a user-friendly interface for building, training, and deploying neural networks using TensorFlow or other backends.
  • OpenCV: A library for computer vision that provides functions for image processing, face detection, object recognition, etc.

For web development, some of the most popular libraries are:

  • Django: A high-level framework for web development that provides features such as authentication, database management, template engine, etc.
  • Flask: A lightweight framework for web development that provides features such as routing, request handling, template engine, etc.
  • Requests: A library for making HTTP requests that provides a simple and intuitive interface for sending and receiving data from web servers.
  • BeautifulSoup: A library for parsing HTML documents that provides tools for extracting data from web pages.
  • Selenium: A library for automating web browsers that provides tools for testing web applications or scraping web content.

JavaScript also has a large and growing set of libraries for AI and web development. For AI, some of the most popular libraries are:

  • TensorFlow.js: A library for machine learning that provides a platform for building, training, and deploying neural networks and other models in the browser or on Node.js.
  • Keras.js: A library for machine learning that provides a user-friendly interface for building, training, and deploying neural networks using TensorFlow.js or other backends.
  • Brain.js: A library for machine learning that provides a simple way to create neural networks using JavaScript.
  • ml5.js: A library for machine learning that provides easy-to-use tools for creating interactive applications using TensorFlow.js or other models.
  • p5.js: A library for creative coding that provides tools for creating graphics, animations, sounds, etc. using JavaScript.

For web development, some of the most popular libraries are:

  • React: A library for building user interfaces that provides features such as components, state management, hooks, etc.
  • Angular: A framework for building web applications that provides features such as components, services, directives, etc.
  • Vue: A framework for building web applications that provides features such as components, reactivity, routing, etc.
  • Express: A framework for web development that provides features such as routing, middleware, template engine, etc. on Node.js.
  • Axios: A library for making HTTP requests that provides a simple and elegant interface for sending and receiving data from web servers.
  • Cheerio: A library for parsing HTML documents that provides tools for extracting data from web pages using jQuery-like syntax.
  • Puppeteer: A library for automating web browsers that provides tools for testing web applications or scraping web content using Chrome or Chromium.

As you can see, both Python and JavaScript have a wide range of libraries for AI and web development. However, Python has an edge over JavaScript in terms of the quality, maturity, and performance of its libraries. Python libraries are more established and optimized than JavaScript libraries, which are relatively newer and less stable. Python libraries also have more support and documentation than JavaScript libraries, which can make them easier to use and learn.


Frameworks are another aspect to consider when comparing Python and JavaScript. Frameworks are collections of libraries and tools that provide a standard way of developing applications for a specific domain or platform. They can help you organize your code, enforce best practices, and speed up your development process.

Python has several frameworks for AI and web development. For AI, some of the most popular frameworks are:

  • PyTorch Lightning: A framework for machine learning that simplifies the use of PyTorch by providing high-level abstractions and best practices.
  • FastAPI: A framework for building APIs that supports asynchronous operations, data validation, documentation, etc.
  • Streamlit: A framework for creating data applications that allows you to build interactive dashboards and visualizations using Python code.
  • spaCy: A framework for natural language processing that provides models and tools for text analysis, extraction, generation, etc.

For web development, some of the most popular frameworks are:

  • Django: A high-level framework for web development that provides features such as authentication, database management, template engine, etc.
  • Flask: A lightweight framework for web development that provides features such as routing, request handling, template engine, etc.
  • Pyramid: A minimalist framework for web development that provides features such as routing, request handling, template engine, etc.
  • Web2py: A full-stack framework for web development that provides features such as authentication, database management, template engine, etc.

JavaScript also has several frameworks for AI and web development. For AI, some of the most popular frameworks are:

  • TensorFlow.js: A library for machine learning that provides a platform for building, training, and deploying neural networks and other models in the browser or on Node.js.
  • Keras.js: A library for machine learning that provides a user-friendly interface for building, training, and deploying neural networks using TensorFlow.js or other backends.
  • Brain.js: A library for machine learning that provides a simple way to create neural networks using JavaScript.
  • ml5.js: A library for machine learning that provides easy-to-use tools for creating interactive applications using TensorFlow.js or other models.

For web development, some of the most popular frameworks are:

  • React: A library for building user interfaces that provides features such as components, state management, hooks, etc.
  • Angular: A framework for building web applications that provides features such as components, services, directives, etc.
  • Vue: A framework for building web applications that provides features such as components, reactivity, routing, etc.
  • Express: A framework for web development that provides features such as routing, middleware, template engine, etc. on Node.js.
  • Nuxt.js: A framework for building web applications that supports server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), routing, etc. on Vue.js.
  • Svelte: A framework for building web applications that compiles components into efficient JavaScript code that updates the DOM directly.

Both Python and JavaScript have a variety of frameworks for AI and web development. However, Python frameworks tend to be more mature and stable than JavaScript frameworks, which are more experimental and evolving. Python frameworks also tend to have more community support and documentation than JavaScript frameworks, which can make them easier to use and learn.


Performance is another criterion to compare Python and JavaScript. Performance refers to how fast and efficient a language can execute code and handle tasks. It can affect the speed, scalability, and reliability of your applications.

Python is an interpreted language, which means that it runs code line by line without compiling it first. This makes Python slower than compiled languages, such as C or Java. Python also has a feature called the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which prevents multiple threads from executing Python code at the same time. This limits the concurrency and parallelism of Python programs, which can affect their performance.

JavaScript is also an interpreted language, but it has some advantages over Python in terms of performance. JavaScript runs on a virtual machine called the JavaScript engine, which can optimize and compile code on the fly using techniques such as just-in-time (JIT) compilation and garbage collection. JavaScript also supports asynchronous programming, which allows it to handle multiple tasks without blocking the main thread. This makes JavaScript more performant than Python for web development, especially for handling user interactions and network requests.

However, when it comes to AI and machine learning, Python has an edge over JavaScript in terms of performance. Python can leverage its libraries and frameworks, which are written in C or other low-level languages, to perform computationally intensive tasks faster and more efficiently than JavaScript. Python can also use tools such as Cython or Numba to compile parts of its code into native code, which can improve its performance significantly.


Popularity is another factor to consider when comparing Python and JavaScript. Popularity reflects how widely used and accepted a language is by developers and employers. It can indicate the demand, availability, and quality of resources, such as tutorials, courses, books, jobs, etc.

Python and JavaScript are both very popular programming languages. According to the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, they are among the top five most commonly used languages by professional developers. According to the 2020 GitHub Octoverse Report, they are among the top three most popular languages by repository contributors. According to the 2020 TIOBE Index, they are among the top ten most popular languages by search engine queries.

However, there are some differences in their popularity trends. Python has been steadily rising in popularity over the years, while JavaScript has been fluctuating slightly. Python has surpassed JavaScript in some rankings, such as the TIOBE Index and the PYPL Index. Python has also gained more popularity in domains such as AI, data science, machine learning, etc., where it is considered the de facto standard. JavaScript has maintained its popularity in web development, where it is still the dominant language.


Python and JavaScript are both excellent programming languages for AI and web development. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, and they both have their use cases and scenarios. There is no definitive answer to which one is better, as it depends on your goals, preferences, and requirements.

However, based on our comparison, we can draw some general conclusions:

  • If you value simplicity, readability, and expressiveness in your code, you might prefer Python over JavaScript.
  • If you value versatility, interactivity, and responsiveness in your applications, you might prefer JavaScript over Python.
  • If you want to work with AI, data science, machine learning, etc., you might find Python more suitable than JavaScript.
  • If you want to work with web development, especially front-end development, you might find JavaScript more suitable than Python.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which language to learn or use is to try them out yourself. You can start by taking some online courses or reading some books on either language. You can also practice your skills by working on some projects or challenges using either language. You can also join some online communities or forums where you can ask questions or get feedback from other developers using either language.

We hope this article has helped you get a better understanding of Python and JavaScript for AI and web development. Happy coding!


Top comments (3)

matin_mollapur profile image
Matin Mollapur

We hope this article has helped you get a better understanding of Python and JavaScript for AI and web development. Happy coding!

vitaragshah profile image
Vitarag Shah

Artificial Intelligence In App Development: A game-changing technology that's transforming the app landscape. By integrating AI, apps can offer improved user experiences through features like personalized content and predictive suggestions. Moreover, AI streamlines backend operations, making apps more efficient and responsive. In today's competitive app market, embracing AI is essential to stand out, innovate, and create apps that users truly value.

nha_trang_176cf794c49a19d profile image
Nha Trang

Thank you for your detail content. It help a starter like me available understand clearly.
Btw, I think the author is a python-er. :)))