DEV Community

Maya Sheriff
Maya Sheriff

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Git Commands

Main Git Commands that are important to know!

-Initialize a Repo

% git init
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-Create a Commit

% git add -A
% git commit -m "Title of your snapshot"    
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-Stage file on at a Time (not using "add -A")

% git add path/to/file1
% git add location/of/file2
% git commit -m "My surgical commit"
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-Check your status often

% git status
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-See what’s changed with diff

% git diff
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-Create a new branch

% git checkout -b fancy-new-version-name

-Switch to a different branch
To list all branches:

    % git branch

To switch to another existing branch:

    % git checkout branch-name
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-See the git log
To see the history of your current branch:

    % git log

To see a graph of all your branches at once, try:
    % git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all -30
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  • Jumpback to a Previous Commit

    % git checkout [SHA of commit you want to go back to]


    % git push

The very first time you push to a branch, it may ask you to do something like:

    % git push --set-upstream origin your-branch-name
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-Start on a new task
Start on a new task
When you’re ready to start on a new task, the best practice is to first switch back to the main branch, get the freshest version, and then to start a new branch from there:

    % git checkout main
    % git pull
    % git checkout -b my-next-task
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Top comments (2)

gamecoder profile image
Chitransh Soral

Thank You. I was looking for a git guide and this will be really helpful.

mayas1111 profile image
Maya Sheriff

Im happy to help!