Terminal info:
-Our standard bash prompt environment for entering commands like rake grade or bin/server
-Pry for interacting with a database (we could also run rails console for that)
-Irb for typing in pure Ruby code
-Reopen a pane
Mac OS: ⌘ + B
Windows: Ctrl + B
Mac OS: ⌘ + J
Windows: Ctrl + J
-Clear Terminal
Mac OS: ⌘ + K
Windows: Ctrl + K
-Interrupt command
Mac OS: ⌘ + C
Windows: Ctrl + C
-Quick Open file
Mac OS: ⌘ + P
Windows: Ctrl + P
-Command Palette
Mac OS: ⌘ + Shift + P
Windows: Ctrl + Shift + P
-Jump to end of line
Mac OS: ⌘ + E
Windows: Ctrl + E
Mac OS: Q
Windows: Q
-Toggle Code
Mac OS: ⌘ + /
Windows: Ctrl + /
-Find Next Selection
Mac OS: Command + D
Windows: Ctrl + D
-Move line
Mac OS: Option + ⬇
Windows: Alt + ⬇
-Duplicate line
Mac OS: Shift + Option + ⬇
Windows: Shift + Alt + ⬇
-rails console = opens an interactive Ruby environment with your Rails application's context-loaded
-reload! = reload the application's code without exiting the console
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