DEV Community

Discussion on: Type of music you listen to when coding?

mblancodev profile image
Manuel Blanco

Podcasts? People talking all the time doesn't distract you?

For me, I would get caught up into the conversation and make no code at all hahaha

cheesuscrustman profile image
Micheal Pearce

I don't know, I guess I'm good at drowning it out. My typical setup is code & preview on one monitor, YouTube/some video on the other.

Even in irl you'll usually catch me with one earbud in listening to something else

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

I tried podcasts a while back and that just didn't work for me - not so much that they were distracting as I ended up not really listening, so not much point in keeping that up. A couple of my coworkers have no problem working while listening to them and actually following what's being said.