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SparrowCI - Testing Your Raku Module Against Different Rakudo Distributions

Hi! It's been awhile since I wrote anything about SparrowCI. Not a lot changed since then, however as they say - "repetition is a mother of learning", so in this short post I am going to show how one could use SparrowCI to test their Raku modules against various Rakudo versions. Which could be quite important in case you care much about back compatibility or at least you are curious on how your code behaves against old (or new?) environments ...


Just drop a sparrow.yaml file into your repo's root with a following content:

    name: main
    default: true
    language: Raku
    code: |
      use Text::Table::Simple;
      my @columns = ("Rakudo Version", "Status", "Time", "Linux Dist");
      my @rows;
      my $fail = False;
      for config()<tasks><multi-versions><state><list><> -> $i {
        @rows.push: [ $i<version>, $i<status>,  $i<time>, os() ];
        $fail = True unless $i<status> eq "OK";
      my @table = lol2table(@columns,@rows);
      .say for @table;
      die "some tests failed" if $fail == True;
        name: multi-versions
    name: multi-versions
    language: Raku
        - 2022.04
        - 2022.06
        - 2023.06
        - 2022.12
    code: |
      my @state;
      for config()<list><> -> $v {
        my $s = %( version => $v );
        if "{cache_root_dir()}/{$v}_ok".IO ~~ :e {
          $s<status> = "OK";
        } else {
          $s<status> = "FAIL";
        if "{cache_root_dir()}/{$v}_time".IO ~~ :e {
          $s<time> = "{cache_root_dir()}/{$v}_time".IO.slurp();
        } else {
          $s<time> = "NA";
        @state.push: $s;
      update_state %( list => @state );
    init: |
      for config()<list><> -> $v {
        run_task("test", %( version => $v ));
        name: test
        language: Bash
        init: |
        code: |
          set -e
          rakubrew download moar-$version
          rakubrew switch moar-$version
          cd source/
          zef install --/test --deps-only --to=home .
          /usr/bin/time -f "%E real,%U user,%S sys" -o "${cache_root_dir}/${version}_time" \
          zef test . && touch "${cache_root_dir}/${version}_ok"
        name: rakubrew-install
    name: rakubrew-install
    language: Bash
    code: |
      set -e
      curl -sf -o rakubrew
      sudo mv rakubrew /usr/local/bin
      sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/rakubrew
      rakubrew mode shim
      zef install --/test Text::Table::Simple
      sudo apk add time  --repository=
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In this a bit lengthy YAML based pipeline important bit is config.list input array for multi-versions task, which sets a range of Rakudo distributions being tested against ...


So once sparrow.yaml is created - go ahead and login to and add your repo to "your repositories" list, that is it. Give SparrowCI a few minutes (depending on current load) to do it's job and get nicely formatted results for your module's unit tests:

09:12:46 :: O----------------O--------O----------------------------------O------------O
09:12:46 :: | Rakudo Version | Status | Time                             | Linux Dist |
09:12:46 :: O================O========O==================================O============O
09:12:46 :: | 2022.04        | OK     | 0:08.10 real,12.51 user,0.87 sys | alpine     |
09:12:46 :: | 2022.06        | OK     | 0:05.82 real,9.11 user,0.81 sys  | alpine     |
09:12:46 :: | 2023.06        | OK     | 0:05.86 real,9.11 user,0.83 sys  | alpine     |
09:12:46 :: | 2022.12        | OK     | 0:05.61 real,8.69 user,0.73 sys  | alpine     |
09:12:46 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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