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Discussion on: Do I overestimate my abilities?

michlbrmly profile image
Michael Bromley

In my experience (I'm based in Austria), most good companies don't care about a degree. When I was a team lead I did plenty of interviews and hired a few people, and formal education was never of interest to me. I myself have no higher education.

Things that I looked out for were past experience (difficult if you are starting out), and any prior work (even side projects) that I could see to roughly gauge the applicant's ability. For that purpose, having a GitHub profile with some non-trivial projects was really useful. So maybe a password generator may be considered a bit trivial, but there is plenty of middle-ground between that and a full-blown ecommerce platform!

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hakimraissi profile image
HakimRaissi • Edited

In my country which is Algeria, companies are kinda "old school" if you don't have a degree you don't even have the chance to get an interview or skill test.
I guess i'll search for easier projects to do while building my ecommerce web app on the side

Anyway thanks for your answer :)