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Discussion on: Do I overestimate my abilities?

hakimraissi profile image

Thanks for your answer. Do you have any tips or recommendations on how someone without degree can convince companies that he is a "capable" developer? Cause until now I always got rejected with project like todolist and password generator on my github lol

michlbrmly profile image
Michael Bromley

In my experience (I'm based in Austria), most good companies don't care about a degree. When I was a team lead I did plenty of interviews and hired a few people, and formal education was never of interest to me. I myself have no higher education.

Things that I looked out for were past experience (difficult if you are starting out), and any prior work (even side projects) that I could see to roughly gauge the applicant's ability. For that purpose, having a GitHub profile with some non-trivial projects was really useful. So maybe a password generator may be considered a bit trivial, but there is plenty of middle-ground between that and a full-blown ecommerce platform!

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hakimraissi profile image
HakimRaissi • Edited

In my country which is Algeria, companies are kinda "old school" if you don't have a degree you don't even have the chance to get an interview or skill test.
I guess i'll search for easier projects to do while building my ecommerce web app on the side

Anyway thanks for your answer :)