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Jayant Bhawal for Middleware

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🙅 Why Hating TypeScript in 2024 Doesn't Make Sense

I've been seeing this trend lately: more and more developers bashing TypeScript. The gripes range from it being "too complex" to "slowing down development."

While not all concerns are unfounded, hating on TypeScript in 2024 just doesn't add up.

Let’s break it down. 🔍

TypeScript Isn’t Your Enemy, It’s Your Safety Net

I get it—JavaScript is flexible, dynamic, and lets you ship code fast. But that same flexibility is also what leads to bugs that are hard to catch until it’s too late. TypeScript's strictness isn’t there to slow you down; it’s there to save you from spending hours debugging issues that could have been caught early.

Here’s an example:

let id;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In theory, id can be a number, a UUID, a random string, or a structured string. But depending on what type it is, you might get an error if you try to increment it or pass it to an API that expects it to have a specific structure and type.

And you can figure out what type it is by looking at how it’s used. But you know what makes this a non-issue?

let id: number;
function getUserByID(id: string) {...}
// and that's the most basic thing you could do
getUserByID(id); // boink, error!

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

When you add TypeScript to your project, you're adding a layer of security. It’s like putting on a seatbelt. Sure, you can drive without it, but why risk it when a simple precaution could save you from a crash? 🚗💥 In a time where software quality is more critical than ever, TypeScript’s type-checking is a safeguard that just makes sense.

Michael Scott Safety

It’s Not as Complicated as You Think

Another complaint I hear often is that TypeScript is "too complicated." But let’s be real—JavaScript can be a mess. Function signatures that accept any input, objects that morph shape, and code that’s one typo away from breaking in production. TypeScript isn’t adding complexity; it’s formalizing or standardizing it.

Think about it this way:

You’re working on the frontend side of a feature, and someone else might have some work overlapping with you. There’s also going to be backend APIs you need to incorporate, but those aren’t ready yet. You’ve been asked to begin the UI work anyway.

How do you ensure that the code you write right now is consistent with the data you’ll get from the APIs? And that if something does change on the APIs, there’s a source of truth that all parties need to adhere to?

That’s right.
By defining types.

With types defined before implementation begins, there should be no confusion about what data contracts are shared between the UI and APIs, and if something indeed is different, then all that needs to be done is to go and stick to the contracts defined earlier.

If you can learn React, wrangle with Webpack, or deal with async/await, then you can learn TypeScript. And here’s the kicker—it’s a skill that pays dividends. The learning curve is worth it because it forces you to think more critically about your code. Instead of hacking together a quick fix, you’re thinking about architecture, types, and long-term maintainability. 🛠️

Not hard

Faster Development, Not Slower

There’s this myth that TypeScript slows down development. But in reality, the opposite is often true. By catching errors during compile time instead of at runtime, TypeScript helps you move faster in the long run. You’re not spending your days in the browser console, chasing down undefined variables or weird type coercions. 🚀

TypeScript’s tooling is also top-notch.
Features like autocompletion, refactoring tools, and inline documentation make the development experience smoother. You’re not just writing code—you’re navigating a well-lit, well-marked road instead of stumbling around in the dark. 🌟

Jim Halpert typing

Here’s a personal anecdote.
Before I fully embraced TypeScript, I often found myself in the weeds of codebase archaeology. I’d encounter a function and have no idea what arguments it was supposed to take. Was it a string? An object? What params were needed in this object? Which ones were optional? Was something that was made to look optional actually required somewhere in the callstack?

Because devs aren’t perfect, poor variable names, inconsistent naming conventions, and coding preferences get in the way all the time…

So, I’d do the dance: scrolling back to the function’s declaration, digging through implementations, trying to piece together what was supposed to go where. And if autocomplete was supposed to save me? Forget it. It was useless. The code editor was just as clueless as I was. 😅

Sure, you could argue that JSDoc comments might help. But if you’re going through all that effort to manually document types and function signatures, then why are you doing that to yourself? You’re basically doing TypeScript’s job, but without any of the actual benefits. TypeScript eliminates all that guesswork, letting you code with confidence and speed.

TypeScript Is the Future (And the Present)

TypeScript is on its 5th version. It’s basically at 100k stars on GitHub. It has 55 Million+ downloads PER WEEK on NPM. More and more major projects and companies are adopting it. There’s a reason for that: TypeScript brings stability, scalability, and confidence to codebases. It’s not just about today’s project, but about building something that can grow and evolve without collapsing under its own weight. It’s about not having to write documentation and tests separately all the time (it doesn’t entirely replace them, of course).

So, let’s cut through the noise. The hate TypeScript gets in 2024 is largely misplaced. Sure, it’s not perfect — no tool is. But the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. It’s time to stop viewing TypeScript as an obstacle and start seeing it as the essential tool it is.

Embrace it, learn it, and you’ll find yourself writing better code, faster. 💪

what to do

TypeScript Isn’t Perfect, but don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!

Of course, TypeScript isn't without its flaws. One legitimate gripe is the overhead of setting it up in a project that wasn’t built with it in mind. Converting a legacy codebase to TypeScript can be a time-consuming process, and it’s not always feasible for teams that are under tight deadlines. ⏳

Additionally, sometimes TypeScript’s strict type system can feel like it’s fighting you rather than helping you, especially when you're dealing with complex types or third-party libraries that haven’t been properly typed.

TypeScript is only as good as the dev configuring it.
I’ve worked on multiple TS projects, some of which had relatively lax configurations that would allow people to use any types or avoid strict or null checks. You mix untyped or loosely typed code into a typed codebase, and the situation could end up being bad enough.

Where do we go from here?

That said, these are short-term pains for long-term gains. Yes, it might slow you down initially, but the stability and maintainability you gain more than make up for it.

And these issues used to be a lot more severe a few years ago, but it’s arguably a lot better now.

In my opinion, put in the effort to learn TS. TS enables you to partially introduce it to an existing codebase—try that. Or perhaps create smaller pet projects that leverage TypeScript.

Plus, TS devs make a bit more money than JS devs based on the most recent StackOverflow survey.

And speaking of better code...

If you're curious about how TypeScript can level up a real-world project:

⚡️ Check out the Middleware repo ⚡️

It's a great example of TypeScript in action, and who knows—you might just pick up a few ideas for your own projects! 🚀

Even better, tell us how our code IS NOT the best!
If you have some solid suggestions, I'll amend the post to include them as examples!

Top comments (94)

koga73 profile image
AJ •

I'm in the camp that TypeScript just isn't necessary and it adds additional overhead both in setup and maintaining type definitions. JavaScript is loosely typed by design which is one of its biggest strengths.

I would consider using types more with JavaScript if it became part of the official spec.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker •

You're saying JavaScript is loosely typed by design, but that you'll consider using types if it becomes part of the spec. So you hate typescript so much that you'll only consider using it if it becomes part of the JavaScript spec...

alexbodn profile image
abraham •

it's not a matter of love or hatred to the typing of variables.
for me, it's a matter of scripting vs. compiling. during compilation, we even forget what we intended to achieve.
so, including types in the runtime would definitely help.

koga73 profile image
AJ •

I don't "hate typescript so much" it's just not necessary. We use it on some of our projects.

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brense profile image
Rense Bakker •

Debugging untyped code is a nightmare, so I would say it is absolutely necessary, but to each their own I guess. I highly prefer not having to debug someone elses runtime mess.

jayantbh profile image
Jayant Bhawal •

You might be interested in this:

I'd say JS offers a quick start because all the context about definitions and usage is in your head, and the moment a 2nd dev joins the club you need to start documenting things in some form.

You might choose JSDoc, or comments. And that may or may not get followed at all.
At least types are enforced on compile time, and it might feel like it's extra work to get started, but it saves time later.

You could say poorly written types will cause greater headache, but so will poorly written/documented code in any language.

business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

I absolutely HAVE to agree with you here ,

the communication around documentation of code , is the single biggest interoperability problem of the 21st century , and the organization around typescript for that does have some caveats for that.

The only thing with that is ,

  • Not all typescript devs are good documentation writers so , it doesn't guarantee anything.

I have seen hundereds of typescript projects and not one instruction of how to compile it.

At least Vanilla JavaScript doesnt have to give you compiling docs to read for config files to just set a freaking typecheck.

It comes to be a matter of choice in this , as it is hard too argue that ALL the documentation for compiling and building , is still better off than vanilla.

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samuel-braun profile image
Samuel Braun •

All of these hundereds of typescript projects should have one line in package.json for compiling TypeScript and if you're a web dev you should know how to run that line/script (Example: npm run build). If it doesn't have that then blame the author I guess. Otherwise, agree with you fully.

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business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

I agree with you 100% there !

vndre profile image
Andre •

Wow, even If I wanted to seriously discuss the bad side of TS the level of blindness idolatry to TS in this post and comment section makes me actually feel happy I dodged the bullet of this cult.

"TypeScript's strictness isn’t there to slow you down"

Sure, just let me read 100 lines of cryptic named type definitions before I understand the actual useful 5 lines of a simple function.

Typescript != Saviour of your bad junior
JS code.

"It’s Not as Complicated as You Think"

Can you shout this louder to the thousand of TS devs that end up using "Any" because the complexity is just not worth it? 😂

"More and more major projects and companies are adopting it. There’s a reason for that: TypeScript brings stability, scalability, and confidence to codebases. It’s not just about today’s project, but about building something that can grow and evolve without collapsing under its own weight."

Are you saying before TS existed 100% of pure JS projects eventually collapsed by their own weight? Because that's a WILD claim. Truth is JS has and will keep thriving with or without TS.

jayantbh profile image
Jayant Bhawal •

That's some super strong hate towards TS.

Sure, just let me read 100 lines of cryptic named type definitions before I understand the actual useful 5 lines of a simple function.

This is just super exaggerated. I've never had 100 lines of type serve only a single 5 line function. I can't imagine when you'll have types taking more lines than your implementation. If you exclude code within libraries, then, sure, technically that can happen.

Typescript != Saviour of your bad junior
JS code.

No one is claiming this. :)
A bad dev will write bad code in any language.

Are you saying before TS existed 100% of pure JS projects eventually collapsed by their own weight?
:) I would assume you know this isn't what I mean.

The world was writing software before TS, or even JS was a thing.
TS is not a silver bullet. But for those who want to generally improve the maintainability of their codebases, it offers a lot.

And clearly enough people feel the same way about it, given that super recently Node.js took the first step in introducing native TS support.

business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

I have a serious developer question.

This is not to jump in a rant or pick a side , I have heard this for some time.

I will ask a simple question here , and a simple one alone.

" Is it , or is it not possible , to produce the same readability by separating your JavaScript code , into a simple file that does the typechecking and then , an application to run those variables? "

If it is possible to structure such a thing in such a way ( which i think it is , ) I would like to try it to make an example.

Basically , lets see if we can simply do the same thing that typescript does , but just in vanilla by hand ?

( Minus the config files and compilation )

I would certainly be more than happy to try and give a go at it , for good demonstrational purposes.

Then , I could make a npm package for it.

Reducing the value of typescript to rubble.

--- Checkmate.

vndre profile image
Andre •

Oh believe me, I've seen a lot of TS projects and the bigger they get the messier it becomes for newcomers to understand it. It is just a hell of type extensions and file navigations. I also see it when I add a TS package to my codebase and I want to see the source code, I start clicking on my IDE type definitions and I can keep clicking through types and types, we even have a game with other devs, "let's see who can get to the first "Any" type with the lowest clicks possible" heh.

And clearly enough people feel the same way about it, given that super recently Node.js took the first step in introducing native TS support.

Shure, Node likes to listen to their community, but is that always the best for Node? I doubt it, I doubt embedding NPM (the slowest package manager of them all) into Node was the best decision. Also "native TS support" is a big stretch. From the original issue:

"It is possible to execute TypeScript files by setting the experimental flag --experimental-strip-types.
Node.js will transpile TypeScript source code into JavaScript source code.
During the transpilation process, no type checking is performed, and types are discarded."

Does that sounds like "native TS support" to you?

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business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

I am that newcomer who doesn't understand it all , but still tries.

Nice too meet you lol .

devtank profile image
DevTank •

Have you ever worked on a large monorepo with extensive incoming data? It's not unusual to see 100 lines of type definitions for just five data types. Using type composition and extensions can easily result in even more extensive code.

Not to criticize TypeScript, but many projects still rely on standard JavaScript. It's best to avoid switching to TypeScript unless you're prepared to thoroughly revise all existing code. However, starting a new codebase with TypeScript have benefits, provided the developers embrace it.

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jayantbh profile image
Jayant Bhawal •

I'd say it's best not to move a large codebase that is not already on TS, to TS.
Or at least isolate parts of it if someone is really planning a migration to TS.

But neither of that really relates to hating (or liking) TS. It's often not practical enough for a business to undertake that effort unless there are significant issues with the code which somehow only a language change can solve. Now that's super unlikely.

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business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

Wow , so your just directly saying ,

Its best not to move onto a codebase of a large project already using TS ?

Because I am definitely doing that here bro , and I definitely have no other choice to get this project working for a MC manager. .....

This project needs help if anyone has the time ,

qsenn profile image
qsenn •

Oh jeez, you poor passive-aggressive soul. Developers don't "hate" TypeScript, they hate introducing overhead that doesn't bring equal to greater value to their codebase. This whole post is based around a strawman argument supplemented by terrible takes and rebuttals for it's own critique of an argument/claim that NO ONE IS MAKING!

The best way to look at TypeScript is a "build tool" because that's effectively what it's adding to, the build step. TypeScript is a glorified Linter that allows you to define, while developing, rules for your codebase's types. Great!
However, guess what doesn't give a damn or even know what those defined rules are? Your end-user and final production code. TypeScript doesn't fix things for the product, it fixes things for the Developer. Can that lead to improvements in the product? Sure! Will it always? NO!

Even in your article you agree hint at this, it's still up to the Developer to not mess it up right? Well why not just use the same argument towards writing JavaScript? We have an array of different best practices and design patterns that have been battle tested and refined to a point where I fail to realize where TypeScript really fills in the gaps? Here's some scenarios where TypeScript is actually cool: Introducing new devs to your codebase (assuming your Types aren't overly complex of course), helping developers when they have dive into low-level code in the codebase (could be old code for example that hasn't been updated in awhile), and adding an extra of build-step requirements to ensure the code follows the plan that was set before.

Linter, unit tests, JSDoc. These pretty much eradicate the need for a static type system and additionally add to your codebase in a positive way with less overhead than TypeScript. Enterprise software however, LOVES TypeScript because it's just an extra layer to add to all this, because why not right? Why do you think Microsoft developed it?

You're falling victim to a very bad behavior which simply, hop on the bandwagon of a new technology and point fingers at anyone on the gravel path that doesn't care about, and is doing complete fine without, your bandwagon.

Why would I want to introduce this huge overhead for a majority of my projects, when I can simply write some comments, generate a markdown file, and call it a day?
Pointing at Node.js introducing basic-level TypeScript support doesn't "support" your argument either. It just shows you can't actually form a defense for your argument so you use someone's PR to say, "I'm right because they're doing it too".

Create flimsy critique of strawman argument -> Hide behind a PR to defend the flimsy critique of strawman argument -> I win????
Is that the plan here?

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kooiinc profile image
KooiInc •

Developers don't "hate" TypeScript, they hate introducing overhead that doesn't bring equal to greater value to their codebase

Spot on. Now, let's abolish the weird class syntax too.

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qsenn profile image
qsenn •

The class syntax is actually an overhead that is welcomed by the community for good reasons.
It takes little-to-no effort to bring into a codebase, it actually makes it easier to do things with classes (private/static variables, extending classes), and they make the code clearer.
Comparing classes to TypeScript is a very naĂŻve comparison. One is focused on a singular part of JavaScript, the other wants to enforce something across ALL of JavaScript. They're fighting two different battles.

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kooiinc profile image
KooiInc •

Class syntax is for the most part syntactic sugar and introduced to 'lure' developers with a disdain for JS/ES20xx into the language. A new and imho better idea (even better then the native JS/ES20xx prototype oriented programming) is class free object oriented programming.

To sum up: to get the most out of JS/ES20xx I would advise

  • ditch the idea of static typing
  • ditch class syntax (you even don't need it for creating web components)
  • move to class free object oriented programming (example)

And to be complete: try to use the functional nature of JS/ES20xx to the max.

I have 29 year experience with (server-/client side) JS/ES20xx and this is where my coding style evolved into. Still, everyone is free to code their own way ofcourse.

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qsenn profile image
qsenn •

I mean sure you can go your whole life without using ES6 class syntax.
But it is it hurting you in any way to use it? Does it actually get in your way at all? Trying to fit in using function syntax instead of class syntax into a conversation about TypeScript is a bit odd. It's like riding on the coat tails of one political movement to advertise your own? They don't really seem related...because they aren't.

What's even the problem being addressed here? Aesthetics???

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kooiinc profile image
KooiInc • • Edited

Trying to fit in using function syntax instead of class syntax into a conversation about TypeScript is a bit odd

TypeScript is about static typing JS/ES20xx. Class syntax is an addition to JS/ES20xx. Both are unnecessary and (imho) polluting the language.

BTW 'Function syntax' is not a thing. If you refer to my recommandation to use the functional nature of JS/ES20xx I meant: try to use functional programming where you can - because JS/ES20xx basically can be used as a functional language.

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business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

JavaScript is an Object Oriented Programming language.

I don't even LIKE objectional programming , I am a functional dev ,

But even I will tell you , if your not creating objects through classes in a object oriented programming language ,

Your probably using the language wrong.

Classes are the base foundation of OOP languages , its elementary.

samadyarkhan profile image
Samad Yar Khan •

I love TS for Type safety 👨‍💻. My favourite type is any.

samuel-braun profile image
Samuel Braun •

The hate towards TS is real and justified. (For context: I love TS and would use it almost every time). Most people get into TS at their job or another project. Its extremely easy (its the default basically) to create tsconfigs thats arent strict enough. Which causes developers to write any quickly and make TS useless. A good codebase has no anys at all, and if it needed some they were placed intentionally and not because the dev didn't know how to fix the error. And I don't see a good reason for codebases being too complex, it might be either that some dev pulled the "I'm smart" card and wrote complex types uneededly or that the dev experiencing the difficulty did not have experience using TS (properly). Most types in a codebase should be in the arguments of functions and .. thats it. And even if you know TS well and still run into issues that often that you hate it, its a sign that you write bad js code. Many js devs treat their variables as if they really were anys, moving with that mindset into TS is impossible and for good reason.

The shitty thing about TS is that its too easy to write badly so most people do (especially in teams).

  • If you have 1 cryptic type definition -> either bad code or you shouldn't touch it.
  • If you need to use any often because it would otherwise be too complex -> you either don't know typescript enough and overlook a simple solution or the way you write js code is questionable (which often happens to people who didnt learn/use any typed language)
  • If you think TS is complicated -> Yes, absolutely you are right. Its not even the syntax and errors that often become complex. The much harder part is to avoid these errors in the first place while writing code.

JS devs are frustrated with TS for the same reason C# devs are frustrated with JS. It makes no sense until you understand the why and no one teaches about the why.

mordechaim profile image

Strongly agree.

I always hated typescript and could never find myself using it. Then someone insisted I should try it "you'll never imagine how much typescript auto infers for you, so you don't even need manual typing".

I was surprised! And never looked back. The tooling, especially intellisense has sped up my development so much more than typing those extra characters.

typeof is your friend

business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

intellij sucks , and no one here wants to buy their crappy products.


And thats your claim of why to use TS ,
a vanilla js method.

Really ? is that all you got ?

mordechaim profile image

typeof is a vanilla js method in runtime code, but is a ts keyword in type code. I'm not dumb.

And who mentioned intellij? I use vscode all along.

vndre profile image
Andre •

The holy code of TS: immaculate, pristine, clear... If you don't understand this in 0.3 seconds you shouldn't call yourself a JS developer ;)

Image description

jayantbh profile image
Jayant Bhawal •

You can write complex/confusing code in any language. :)
And sometimes the language necessitates writing weird code to get what you need.

But using an exceptionally complex example as an argument against a language is a non-argument to begin with.

vndre profile image
Andre •

I wouldn't call it "exceptionally complex example" when I just google "typescript code" and got dozens of screenshots like that... I'm pretty sure I will always find TS spaghetti code without much effort. Heres another one!
Image description

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vndre profile image
Andre •

I know the code is nonsense but that's not the point... I'm talking about making JS even more readable complex by adding an unnecessary layer of definitions.

business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

You cant just say that some code is not worth talking about dude.

This is typescript code.

Read it and weep , you cant make excuses for everything.

Respond to the post.

Can you read the typescript code for me bro ?

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samuel-braun profile image
Samuel Braun •

Bro 😂 you sound like a baby. You know what? JS sucks, its too complex. Just read this code:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You cant just say that some code is not worth talking about dude.
This is JavaScript code. (it actually is, try it)
Read it and weep , you cant make excuses for everything.
Respond to the post.
Can you read the JavaScript code for me bro ?

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vndre profile image
Andre •

I suggest you basic school if you can't read.

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business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

Yeah im pretty sure that code makes an error anyways.

How you gonna boast about broken code ? Are you feeling lost ?

this is like arguing over sticks and stones

mordechaim profile image
Mordechai Meisels •

Library authors usually write such complex types to make their API work magically in vs code intellisense, but most devs will never write such code

samadyarkhan profile image
Samad Yar Khan •

this looks my code before the release date 😭

carnes profile image
Carnes •

I work in a typescript spa just over 500k lines and never seen garbage like that.

jayantbh profile image
Jayant Bhawal •

So, there's a lot going on here. :)
But there is a lot of strong hate and exaggeration going on here. What happened folks? :) Be nice, share a realistic example for why you disagree and move on.
I'm just some dude on the internet with an opinion.

About TS being a lot of extra work:

There are a lot of folks here who seem to believe that using Typescript means you must type every single variable, object, constant everywhere manually, or at least in most places.

I think some of you would be amazed by how much typescript can automatically infer and still be perfectly useful.

But you're not wrong. It is extra work at times. No dev is perfect. Badly written code exists in all languages. And poorly written types are a thing. Fighting with libraries to get types in certain functions working how you want is a thing.

Without TS, you'd not really have more battles in my opinion, you'll just have different battles.

About debugging:

One thing that I believe the post doesn't really cover, but is vital to why I personally love typescript, is:
Debugging and refactoring.

In a well typed codebase, you won't believe how seamless and quick it makes refactoring variable usages, structures, return types of things, etc.

An example:
In a next.js codebase, I have an API that sends something to the browser, which gets stored in the state, and eventually used in the UI. (this is a bit simplified)

When I decided to simply change the structure and name of what the API was returning, it was almost as trivial as hitting F2 and typing in the new name. All its usages got updated automatically, and I was 100% sure that nothing would break. (and that was correct)

Of course, this is one of the more awesome examples I've encountered.

And of course, caveat being, "well typed".
But again, any tool used in a half-measured way won't be able to help with you with all its capabilities. You don't say postgres is bad, while complaining about a slow postgres query and mentioning that your table has no indexes.

About TS having no place, being useless, dead-end, pointless, etc. anywhere...

Sure, that's an opinion. And you're entitled to it.
But maybe consider for a moment why it seems like the whole JS ecosystem is adopting support for TS. What are they seeing that you're not? Microsoft isn't holding a gun to anyone's head. And every single "TS" project out there can run without TS support.

Maybe it has certain benefits that you don't see yet?

Of course, no language exists for every single use-case. Some of you have politely and clearly expressed that. The point of the post wasn't to say YOU MUST USE TS FOR EVERYTHING, INCLUDING BRUSHING YOUR TEETH IN THE MORNING. 🤷

Take it easy, folks!
Thanks for joining the discussion! :)

vndre profile image
Andre • • Edited

The thing is... This is not so "open" discussion as you want people to believe it. You already have a strong polarized black/white opinion of TS so anyone that disagrees with it is automatically "hating" TS. Hating is a strong word, just because I disagree with an idea doesn't mean I actually hate it. As several other comments point out, experience developers just can't find a reason to justify all the overhead and extra unnecessary work introduced by TS, but still doesn't mean they must hate it...

What I DO hate is the way some people try to shove it to your face, like TS is some kind of Jesus Christ that has come to save you from the "ugliness" of JS, really weird cult-type vibes.

Maybe it has certain benefits that you don't see yet? See? This is the scary part, you are trying to force people to believe to same as you, exactly like a religion, polarized... "If you don't believe in what I believe you are going to hell!"

vndre profile image
Andre •

Image description

business_sales_506be631 profile image
Vampeyer-22cal •

" I'm just some dude on the internet with an opinion. "

Well , maybe dont just be " Some dude " ,
maybe a person.

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini •

I am all in favor for strict typing. My language of choice is Ada which statically and strictly typed; so strict that it would not cast an integer to float, unless you explicitly ask for it.

Sure, you need to write a bit more when you code, but you save a ton of debugging time (as much as 90%, according to some studies and personal experience).

Dynamic (but still strict, as in Ruby) typing can be useful in scripting: short utility programs or some fast-and-dirty code that you need at the moment. If your code is medium size and/or expect to be long lived (therefore, in need of maintenance), then the investment that a statically and strictly typed language requires is definitively going to pay interesting dividends.

Also, types are not some kind of ball and chain that you are forced to drag along, but they are an integral part of your code. Code and types are tightly intertwined. Some think that being loosely typed is a strength of JS, to me loosely typing is a weakness and a serious one.

syakirurahman profile image
Syakir • • Edited

I dont even know there are people hating typescript lol.
But i get if some people dont like it. because i happen to not liking it too at first. but only because i didnt know the benefit yet.
So, i come in to a conclusion that people who don't like Typescript are either a junior dev or inefficient dev lol.

Typescript is really make it easier especially when you work with the nested object / array, which is a common case for a middle to large project. I dont have to remember the structure of that object/array when i have to make changes later. Just look at the interface / type, and let the VSCode display the autocomplete when referencing a key in the object.

The older version of the project i worked on didn't use typescript. When i have to fix a bug there, i always have to do the tedious task, tracing a deeply nested object. It's a pain in the ass..

That's my story, for anyone who wonder what's the benefit of typescript

alexclassy profile image
AlexClassy •

Honestly, after so many years of JS coding, I still want to see those magical bugs that are so hard to catch, even with unit tests, to justify another layer of obstruction on top of my code. I have no hate for Typescript. I just don't like it.

carnes profile image
Carnes •

You've never seen implicit type casting because someone passed a string instead of number or anything like that? Typescript is just making that stuff a compile time error instead of a runtime error that you have to debug to find.

ingosteinke profile image
Ingo Steinke, web developer • • Edited

The biggest slowdown / extra step is introducing a compile step to projects that don't already have one (due to React, Babel, whatever). Another point against TS was backend frameworks, where it seemed impossible to adapt their tutorial boilerplate ES6 code due to the missing or incomplete return type documentation.

I don't mind the TypeScript syntax, as I never found JS code elegant in the first place and I rather have verbose and explicit source code than a compact one that is hard to understand and maintain. I like JSDoc, and modern IDEs like PhpStorm will use it to show hints and type warnings. Both JSDoc and TypeScript can get verbose, but still much better and less verbose than React PropTypes or some of the overcomplicated streams and file handles in Java.

I think type safety should be a top priority for the next ECMAScript standard, much like PHP has evolved from a pragmatic web development add-on to a serious programming language.

hendrikjan profile image
H.J. van Meerveld • • Edited

I'm intrigued lately bij ReScript, which promises to be a simpler and more powerful Typescript.

Unfortunately it not popuar enough for me to be able to convince my colleagues to use it.
Also it doesn't work for Vue. It does for React, but I don't use that.

Currently, in my experience, Typescript is better than plain JavaScript for large projects. That is, if you can live with some red underlines in your editor or with using any :-)

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