DEV Community

Lisa Miner
Lisa Miner

Posted on

Anxiety ...

I am sitting here wondering when the anxiety subsides with a new career path. In healthcare I am literally superwoman who feels like I am really able to do / achieve anything. When it comes to development I am smart and finding docs / codes / videos / explanations BUT when handed someone else's code I literally feel like I go blank. Truth is I know MY code and if I break it the fact is that it is my own and I have time to figure out how to fix it. Hand me someone else's code and I have got to look through / learn the style and THEN I can try to contribute but I fumble because I don't want to mess up. I am overly critical of myself when it comes to being part of a team and having tasks handed to me.

Question is when does that subside? When do you become somewhat comfortable with other developer's code? Waiting for the ah ha moment where my anxiety subsides and becomes confidence instead.

Trying to find MY way and I am reaching out for support from peers who have also been going through changing careers.

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