In this post I will demonstrate a general strategy for performing a search or other API call while a user is typing, by making an input field for a unique username.
I like this strategy because it is straight-forward, adaptable to any framework, and extendable to other use-cases where you might need to show immediate feedback to a user based on an action.
First, create a BehaviorSubject of type string to record the user's actions, and use the asObservable()
method on it to create a variable that will update with each key-press.
// Search
inputActionSubject = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
inputAction$ = this.inputActionSubject.asObservable();
onUserInput(event: Event): void {
const input = (event?.target as HTMLInputElement)?.value;;
#input />
Apply the following rxjs operators to call the API each time the variable updates.
Wait this many milliseconds before proceeding to avoid sending requests while the user is still typing -
Call the API with the input as a parameter, and unsubscribe from the previous call, since we're sending a new one -
Connect to the observable returned by the API call within the observable for the user-input
// On Initialization this.inputAction$ .pipe( debounceTime(300), switchMap((input: string) => this.userService.getUsersByUsername(input).pipe( tap((res: User[]) => { this.checkForDuplicateUsername(res); }) ) ) ) .subscribe();
Process the results from the API call and provide feedback to the user. In our case: set an error on the FormControl
if the list of users with the given username is not empty.
// Using Angular Reactive Forms
@ViewChild('input') input: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>;
inputControl = new FormControl('', [
checkForDuplicateUsername(users: User[]): void {
if (users.length) {
this.inputControl.setErrors({ notUnique: true });
this.input.nativeElement.blur(); // Trigger update
Full Angular Implementation
Top comments (3)
A way to make it fail-safe:
Very cool solution
I'm glad you like it! This is auto-complete component is where I picked it up from: