This is a collection of code-snippets that I've accumulated on my journey of learning iOS Development with Swift; I'm hoping it can serve as a cheat-sheet or resource for others learning.
Swift is smart and will iterate the rawValues of your enum from 0 or according to whatever initial value(s) you set
enum WinterMonth: Int {
case December = 1
case January /// 2
case February /// 3
print(WinterMonth.January.rawValue) /// 2
Iterate over all values of an enum with the CaseIterable Protocol
enum WinterMonth: String, CaseIterable {
case December
case January
case February
var monthsArray = WinterMonth.allCases
Comparing enums using Swift's type system
/// Switch Statement
enum WinterMonth {
case December
case January
case February
let currentMonth = WinterMonth.January
switch currentMonth {
case .December:
print("Happy Holidays!")
case .January:
print("Happy New Year!")
print("It is \(currentMonth)")
Enum containing different data types
enum Result {
case success(Value)
case failure(Error)
extension Result {
/// The error in case the result was a failure
public var error: Error? {
guard case .failure(let error) = self else { return nil }
return error
/// The value in case the result was a success result.
public var value: Value? {
guard case .success(let value) = self else { return nil }
return value
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