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How Flutter Web Can Reduce the Cost of Your App Development

You come up with a product idea but you need a plan for getting it out to the world. In order to expose your service to as many users as possible, you need mobile and web apps. But your short research is brutal – although you have just one narrow idea, it requires three different apps (Android, iOS, web), three different types of specialists (Kotlin, Swift, JavaScript), and maybe even three separate vendors.

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vinceramces profile image
Vince Ramces Oliveros • Edited

Warning to those who believe flutter is ready for production.

Flutter is not yet there for building large scale applications, but definitely try to make even a SPA with just UI and some vanilla state management, flutter is ready for production, but not large enough to cater a lot of resources and package there. Some Libraries need to have an interface for different platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Also, the purpose of is so that I can safely read articles to this content, not redirecting me to other website that i'm not hungry to accept cookies, Anyways, nice article.