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Introduction to Javascript


This language is the popular language in web developments.
javascript is mainly used to decide how web pages will behave.


  • statements are separated using semicolon (;)
    x= 5;
    let a =x+y ;

  • comments doesn't allow execution of unnessary statements. they are shown with (//)

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  1. variables in Javascript variables are containers for storing data or data values. ways to declare variable include;
  • using the keyword var commonly used and it does not have the restrictions that other keywords have. Image description
    • using the keyword let used for declaration of block-level variables. Image description
    • using the keyword const used for declaration variables whose values are might change Image description
    • using nothing

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  1. Data types of Javascript
  • String- the data type is mainly used to represent textual data and is created using single or double quotes surrounding one or more characters. example

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  • Number - used to represent positive or negative numbers with or without decimal place, or numbers written using exponential notation

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  • Boolean- the data type can hold only two values: true or false. The Boolean values also come as a result of comparisons in a program.

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  • Object- they are variables which contain more than one value example of a person as shown.

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