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Collatz Conjecture Sequence API Generator

Hi everyone. In these days I want to practice building and consuming an API. So, I developed a very simple API that returns a Collatz Conjecture sequence from a given number.
Basically, we are talking about a numeric sequence following this rule: given a Natural number greater than 0 (any positive integer), if this is odd, the next number in the sequence will be 3 times the previous plus 1. If it’s even, the next number will be half the previous. The conjecture states that, no matters what the first number is, the sequence will end in a 4->2->1 loop.
Everything is explained in detail on the website itself:

As stated in the documentation, this is meant to be an open API but also an open-source free project. The source code, under MIT Licence, is available here:
Please feel free to use it, partially or wholly, as you need to. A link to the source and the reporting of author name is not required but appreciated.
If you have any advice or correction about it or if you feel this documentation lacks something, I'll be glad to know.

Here I’m going to paste the README so you can check the features and the usage.

Collatz Conjecture



I developed this website and its related API to practice. This
is a very simple PHP REST API working with a single URL and a single
HTTP verb: GET. No authentication is required. The purpose is to provide
a Collatz Conjecture sequence from a starting number specified by
the user in the request.

Note: this application has a limit about the size of the starting number
provided to generate the sequence and this size is less the size of the
greatest number tested by mathematicians to disprove the Collatz
Conjecture. Hence, no number supplied to this API will escape the final
4->2->1 loop. Having said that, my goal was to create something quite
realistic, even if only "virtually", therefore the limit size of the
starting number can be easly changed and the logic used to build up the
sequence is not "blinded" to just stop when the sequence hit "1" but is
able to find ANY other loop could occur.

How It Works

The single endpoint of this API is

GET |{startingNumber}/[limit]
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Parameters specifications:

Parameter Description
{startingNumber} Required. Must be a Natural number greater than zero (positive integer). This is the number the sequence calculation starts from.
[limit] Optional. Must be a Natural number (positive integer). If zero or no parameter is given, no limit is applied. If a valid number is given, the number sequence length is limited up to that number.

Output & Examples

For any request a JSON formatted reply is provided.

Basing on the request, the response is a JSON with this info:

"status" : a string with value "ok" or "error" 
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Plus this info if the request is valid and no error occurred:

"sequence" : a JSON holding the indexed number sequence 
"odd" : the number of odd numbers present in the sequence   
"even" : the number of even numbers present in the sequence   
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Else this info if the request is invalid or an error occured:

"error_code" : the code number of the error (list of errors below)  
"message" : a string message related to the specific error occurred 
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Example of successful request without limit parameter





Example of successful request with limit parameter





Example of failed request




       "message":"ERROR. Starting number must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000000000000."


Here's the list of possible errors coming from API

Error Code Message Description
1 "ERROR. Too many parameters in request." The GET URL used is passing other parameters besides the starting number and the limit.
2 "ERROR. Too few parameters in request." The GET URL used is not passing the starting number.
3 "ERROR. Starting number must be a positive integer between 1 and [MAX_STARTING_NUMBER]" The starting number parameter is passed but is not a positive integer or it is 0 or it is greater than the maximum number allowed (set in the API/include/bootstrap.php and now is set to 1'000'000'000'000).
4 "ERROR. Limit number be a positive integer." The limit parameter passed is not a positive integer.
5 "ERROR. Unknown error. Something went wrong." Something got f*cked up somehere and I have no clue :(

Source Code & Examples

Project tree

Alt Text

In the previous image you can see the complete project tree you will
find in the github repo The application consuming the API is written in a functional-procedural style, while the API is an Object driven architecture. The JS client-side logic interpreting JSON and showing graphs lies in the scripts.js file. The API lies in the the omonym folder you can see in details in the image below.

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So, if you need just the API, all it takes is inside that folder, you
can grab it and put it in your project. The API is built with its own
.htaccess and even if you change the request like
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it will work unless you change the name of the API folder. If you plan
to change it just set it accordingly in API/include/bootstrap.php
and it will work again.

  // Define API folder name (used to ensure correctness
  // of request array no matter the url of the API is)
  define("API_FOLDER", 'API');
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In this same file you can set the MAX accepted number for the starting

Example of a PHP Call to the API

      function call_CC_API($num, $limit) {

        // Build url: if no limit is set, 
        // append only one parameter (url/$number/[$limit]) 
        $url = BASE_API_URL . $num;
        $url .= $limit ? '/' . $limit : '';

        $curl = curl_init();

        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

        $result = curl_exec($curl);


        return $result;

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In this function I passed the (previously checked) starting number and
limit provided by the user. Then I built the URL string basing on the
presence of the limit value. The BASE_API_URL is a constant defined at
the beginning of the same file (function.php).

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