DEV Community

Discussion on: Which conferences are you submitting CFPs to?

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

Top of my list to speak at(but it's a long shot!) is EuRoKo Rotterdam. They only have spots for 10 speakers but my fingers are crossed! 🀞

I also applied to RubyKaigi. I have never been to Japan and I think going to give a talk and be with like minded people would be an incredible way to visit for the first time.

I applied to a few other's stateside but honestly the international ones are what I am currently most excited about.
Stateside CFPs:

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

A handful of folks from our team submitted to Railsconf. Hope we see you there!

cseeman profile image

Congrats on getting accepted at RailsConf! Saw you on the speakers list!

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

Thank you!!! I was on vacation when I found out. It hasn't even really sunk in yet but I am pumped!