DEV Community

Discussion on: 50 Amazing DEV people to follow on Twitter

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I think any list like this would be improved by flagging or excluding people from DEV who we'll see anyway, and with a simple line or two explaining what it is that makes them interesting to you. If I click through and discover someone's latest 20 tweets are about their new puppy it might be fun, but unrelated to anything developy.

madza profile image

Good point 👍 Tbh, my initial thought was to include some lines on content posted or even include the header with description what each profile is about, tho I ended up thinking it might be too much of a stalker material 😂😂 So I just included the links of my personal favs and left the evaluation part for each reader in their side 😉
But I will keep this in mind when creating some new posts with lists on different topics in future 😉