DEV Community

Pranav Bakare
Pranav Bakare

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Advanced React Concepts | React 2024

Here’s a summary of advanced React concepts:

  1. React Hooks (Advanced): Use useReducer for complex state, useCallback/useMemo for performance optimization, useRef for DOM access, and create custom hooks for reusable logic.

  2. Context API with useContext: Manage global state and avoid prop drilling.

  3. Suspense & Lazy Loading: Use Suspense for async rendering and React.lazy for dynamic component loading.

  4. Higher-Order Components (HOCs): Reuse component logic by wrapping components in functions.

  5. Render Props Pattern: Share component logic by passing functions as props.

  6. React Portals: Render components outside the parent DOM (e.g., modals).

  7. Error Boundaries: Catch and handle component errors to prevent crashes.

  8. React Server Components: (Experimental) Offload rendering to the server for better performance.

  9. State Management (Redux/MobX): Manage complex application state using Redux or MobX.

  10. Code Splitting: Break large bundles into smaller, on-demand chunks using dynamic imports.

  11. Immutable Data: Ensure immutability in state management using the spread operator or libraries like Immutable.js.

  12. Performance Optimization: Use memoization, virtualization, and avoid inline functions for better performance.

  13. Infinite Scrolling: Load more data dynamically as users scroll for large datasets, ensuring smooth UX with performance optimizations.

These advanced concepts enhance React apps by improving performance, maintainability, and scalability.

Top comments (1)

fasilu profile image

Really helpful bro 👍